The Summer Ceiling for Working Moms is Real

The Summer Ceiling for Working Moms is Real

Picture it, America, 2023 (in my best Golden Girls’ Sophia Petrillo voice)…

It’s summertime… Just picture the working mom waiting to pick up her kids from camp while mentally reminding herself to mute the impromptu Zoom call’s microphone…Or the working mama cooking dinner while catching up on emails because the day was taken up with monitoring the children’s summer work….Or yet again, the mom with her laptop securely strapped onto the car’s front seat, nervously fingering the mouse pad to signal her presence to an overbearing manager while taking little Pablo to robotics camp…Or better yet, cue the happy families traveling in (apparent) harmony, kids running around through green parks and a general sense of leisurely relaxation floating in the air…Right? Wrong. At least for many working mothers grappling with what I would call the “summer ceiling” for working moms…

“Summer ceiling” = conglomerate of professional and personal obstacles faced by working mothers during the summer months as a result of the scarcity (or complete lack) of childcare resources, couple equity and overall gender equality.

Aka the mother of summer hells, no pun intended… Yet, very few working moms will admit to it. After all, the societal pressure to keep it all together and look like one big happy family while holding our collective coffee-infused breaths, wiping sweaty areas that can’t be publicly revealed, and standing on one half-painted toe, all the while posting heavenly (albeit laborious) Instagram pictures, is still very much prevalent, even in this post-COVID era…

Yet, the reality behind many a glossy vacation picture and outrageously expensive summer camp activity, is that working mothers are facing yet another wall as the summer rolls around. A hot, sweaty, expensive, coordination-filled and energy-draining wall of increased childcare, caregiving and household responsibilities…And may I add, while still desperately attempting to perform at work, never mind advancing projects, boosting careers and keeping some shred of motherly sanity. On the family side of things, many, if not most working moms are alternating finding somewhat reasonably priced summer camps minus the months-long waitlist, with figuring out ways to put grocery shopping on a budget and on auto-dial for permanently hungry and bored kids. Oh, and did I mention the constant agonizing reminder that as working mothers, we only have so many summers left with our kids…No pressure at all…

Related: How to pick the right summer camp for your kids

For many, if not most working moms in the US, summertime brings about a sense of dread and overwhelm at the thought of the accumulation of childcare, caregiving and household labor left vacant by school closures, cost-prohibitive and exclusive summer camps and recreation facilities, and the overall lack of infrastructure to support working parents in general. In the post-COVID era when many working mothers are working from home, many by choice, others by the lack thereof, it also means work will be subject to constant interruptions, unending noise and summer brain fog. Indeed, juggling being a fun yet professional summer mom with a fridge in constant need of refill, overflowing laundry (thank you summer camps) and a generally more chaotic household will create almost unbearable pressure. For those working in the office, it means securing reliable and affordable childcare while dealing with heart-wrenching guilt. In any case, the guilt is always there, as something always gets left to the side, everything seems done halfway, and the pressure keeps building day after day…

Related: Summer Refresh: How to use the warm season to reboot your life and work

Research shows working moms’ work productivity significantly declines during the summer months. Data from the 2022 working paper entitled “The Summer Drop in Female Employment” by Brendan M. Price and Melanie Wasserman documents that summer school closures directly impact women’s employment status. Among women between the ages of 25 and 54, their share of employment as a percentage of the total population drops by an average of 1.1 percentage points. The labor force participation among these women drops by 0.5 percentage points during the summer months. Total hours worked are found to decline by 11% during the same period as well. Working moms were found to spend nearly nine hours more per week than usual on child care during the summer months than during the regular school year, with kids from six to twelve years old presenting the biggest caregiving challenge during that period.

This is not surprising as childcare, caregiving and household care regularly heaped on mothers, are multiplied when school is not in session during the summer months. The resuting decline in work productivity contributes to the slowing down of women’s careers, which are already weakened by the arrival of children and the increase in household and caregiving responsibilities, at least in the US.

Now let’s compare this to Sweden where Swedish parents have a right to 480 days of government-paid leave at a rate of 80% of their earnings for each child born or adopted. This applies to single parents as well, and is directly funded through the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, as opposed to individual employers. In addition, Swedish moms also benefit from an excellent childcare system offering the guarantee of a childcare spot from the first year of age at affordable costs. In general, Swedish working mothers are positively perceived by society and companies alike, allowing them to work on reduced schedules without extensive damage to their career progression. This is in comparison to the United States where employees are only eligible for up to 12 weeks of job-protected yet unpaid leave for illnesses, pregnancy or caregiving of an immediate family member through the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). However, this is subject to a couple of caveats, including the fact that U.S. employees have to have worked for said employer for at least 12 months or 1,250 hours over the past year, and said employer employs 50 people or more. Additionally, U.S. workers are not necessarily guaranteed their original job upon their return from leave.

This abundance of confounding and frankly sad evidence confirms the summer ceiling hovering just above the heads of countless exhausted (if not burnt out), guilt-ridden, yet still relentlessly determined mothers. It is the summer ceiling so many of us face as the world reminds us how few summers we have left with our kids, while exhorting us to do it all, and do it all perfectly.

The reality is, there is no quick solution, or get-delivered-quick scheme, to the summer ceiling. Like so many other obstacles faced by women and rooted in a combination of social, economic and political factors, it will not be solved through a quick fix. Rather, it is the same combination of political, economic and social factors that created the problem in the first place, that have to be addressed in order to solve it.

Here are some suggestions to do so:

  • It’s not you, it’s the system!

Remember the phrase, ”it’s not you, it’s me”? Well, in this case, it’s not you, it’s the system. To be more precise, the patriarchal system designed to nurture privilege and non-inclusive, diverse or equitable access. So the next time you feel inclined to wallow in unending mother’s guilt or give up on your dreams and goals, remember: “It’s not you, it’s the system!”


  • Rethink the structure of your work and life

One of the main culprits of couple inequity which contributes to working moms’ exhaustion lies in the very gender inequality fostered in the traditional structure of work and gender roles. Work, as we traditionally know it, was not made for women, and certainly not for mothers. Just compare regular school schedules ending at 2 or 3pm,  to the traditional work hours of 9 to 5…Yes, my point exactly…

This is where rethinking the structure of your work and life becomes important. The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to rethink how we work and live, especially as working women and mothers, opening the door to remote working and flexible work arrangements. As a matter of fact, the advent of remote work and its associated flexibility has helped women with childcare needs remain employed. Alternatively, plans to return to the office is spelling trouble for working moms, potentially driving them out of the workforce.

Related: Remote Work and the Working Mom: On Managing your Career Remotely When Life Is Already Full

In the same way, rethinking how we work and live, from considering remote options to adding increased flexibility to our work, can help lessen the impact of the summer ceiling. At the very least, it can start honest conversations in the workplace and at home around setting honest expectations during a period that is so impactful to families, yet can be so challenging and costly to navigate.


  • Get engaged!

Last but not least, getting engaged at a level that targets the structural nature of the problem not only can, but is crucial to, change the status quo for working mothers. As mentioned earlier, this is more than just about school closures or the scarcity and cost of summer camps. Certainly, these are important factors that heavily weigh in the balance for working parents in general.

Yet, at the root of these, and so many other similar issues, are structural, institutional and political roadblocks that have been embedded in the fabric of society for a long time. These are the real obstacles to address, the ones that require working women and mothers to get engaged in their communities, at the institutional and political level to contribute to effecting the changes needed. Some of the organizations doing the work to advance the cause of working mothers, include the Chamber of Mothers and Moms First. In addition, getting involved in your local political and social community can contribute to creating change for working moms.

All in all, the summer ceiling is a harsh reality for working mothers during the summer months. Rooted in the scarcity (or lack thereof) of childcare, caregiving and household support, it is a reality that harshly pulls working mothers between family, career and even finances. Yet, it is a reality that also calls us to consider the social, economic and political factors behind it, and take action by removing the guilt, rethinking the structure of our work and lives, and getting engaged.


How are you facing your own summer ceiling? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com to share your story.


The Corporate Sister

7 principles to unleash more of who you are (The Book)

7 principles to unleash more of who you are (The Book)

Have you ever said to yourself, whether it was as related to a life or work situation, there’s got to be MORE? Have you ever been so sick and tired of being sick and tired of the status quo in your workplace and wondered if there is more to your career? Have you been stuck in your business to the point of wondering if there is more to being an entrepreneur?

 I suspect most of us have, especially as working women and mothers with so much on our plates day in and day out. Especially as the blatant lack of infrastructure supporting working women and moms often leaves us depleted…Especially as the various and oh so unfair biases affecting us, from gender stereotypes to the glass ceiling and concrete wall, leave us wanting for more fullness in our careers and businesses… These are also some of the issues I’m grappling with in my new book “More: The Journey to Unleash More of Who You Are.

How can, and do we unleash more of who we are as working women and moms despite the obstacles facing us in and outside of work? There are 7 principles I discuss in the book as part of the conversation to answer this question:

  • Principle 1: Don’t miss your wake-up call wrapped as disruption

Unleashing more of who you are and what you want out of your career and life often requires you to step out of the very routine that is keeping you stuck. This often comes wrapped as unwelcome disruption at the seemingly most inconvenient times. Learning to recognize the wake-up calls wrapped as disruption is key to beginning and continuing the journey of unleashing more of who you are.

  • Principle 2: Begin with what you have and where you are

What keeps most of us stuck is the inability to even know where to begin in order to embark on a new journey. One of my favorite inspirational set of phrases from tennis legend Arthur Ashe is “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” To me, it speaks to the power of small change and consistent, resilient progress. In this sense, harnessing the incredible power of your unique individual stories, skills, talents, quirks, and everything that makes you YOU becomes your very unique greatness proposition and best competitive advantage.

  • Principle 3: Use your season of preparation through experience and release

In line with beginning where you are and using what you have, harnessing your past experience and re-purposing your skills, talents, and story is also key to unleashing your own MORE. This also requires letting go of the version of you that no longer exists to welcome the new, evolved version of who you are becoming. This is your season of preparation.

  • Principle 4: Managing progress

There’s a mindset to progress and growth. One that must stand strong in the face of the backlash women experience as they dare to rise. One that must learn to celebrate progress rather than shrink and hide. Ultimately, one that knows how to manage the ebb and flow of growth and evolution while still moving forward. This mindset is indispensable to managing the progress and growth that thankfully and inevitably come as you unleash MORE of who you are.

  • Principle 5: Handling your season of promotion

The very promotion you may yearn for may also be terrifying to you, as it is to many, if not most working women and mothers. While being aspired to and celebrated, women’s success is also threatening to the status quo, and often rewarded by harsh backlash. This is where dealing with the fear of success and re-defining success on your own terms can make a world of difference.

  • Principle 6: Daring to celebrate

For working women and moms, joy and celebration constitute resistance at each step of the process of becoming their best selves. Daring to celebrate, while cultivating and preserving your joy is an act of sheer resistance.  

  • Principle 7: Focusing on the process, not the destination

Last but not least, focusing on the process and not the destination through continuous improvement is essential. At the end of the day, it’s a marathon and not a race.

All in all, unleashing more of who you are as you get closer and closer to the fullness of who you were created to be, is a gift often wrapped in disruption and requiring a challenging, albeit rewarding, process of growth and evolution. This is a necessary and brave journey of un-becoming much of the negative and damaging stereotypes women were taught and socialized into, and instead becoming all you were meant to be.

You can read more in my book “MORE: The journey of unleashing more of who you are”, available on Amazon.

PS: Thank you for reading. Please leave me a review if you can!

With gratitude,

The Corporate Sis

Book Review: Women and Money by Suze Orman

Book Review: Women and Money by Suze Orman

If you’ve ever thought of taking control of your finances as a working woman and mom, Suze Orman’s “Women and Money” book is a must-read. This revised and improved edition from her 2007 original masterpiece certainly does not disappoint when it comes to establishing, or re-establishing for that matter, a healthy relationship with your money. I know it certainly helped me…

I’ve had the earlier version of this book on my shelf for many years, and have only recently decided to dig into it, especially when starting the new year. As my word for the year is “consistency”, I resolved to apply more consistency to all the areas of my life, including my finances. When I noted this “oldie but goodie” book had been recently revised and edited, I couldn’t help but order it. What I discovered as I perused its pages in just a few days was nothing short of a financial eye opener…

As a working woman and mom, with training in accounting at that, I’ve always known, in theory, how important it is to have a good handle on your money. As much as I could, I practiced applying sensible rules to managing my money, from budgeting to saving and even dabbling into investing. What I didn’t do as much of, is to take some time to pause and reflect on my relationship, past, present and future, with money. And this is exactly what this book made me do…

In the book, Suze, who in my head I picture as my financial big sis, first starts by discussing how we have been relating to money as women since the dawn of times. She accurately points to the fact that so many of us, even as educated and professionally successful as we may be, seem to experience an inner resistance to dealing with our own money. This ties back to the fact that for the longest time, women have been conditioned to defer money matters to the male figures around them, from parental figures to spouses. As a result, there has been a dissociation between women’s mindsets and money.

Reading this, and even though I was raised by a single mom, I could identify with this inner resistance, this sense that even as an educated, ambitious woman, I tend to experience a lack of closeness to and clarity about my money. The more I turned the pages of this book, the more I could relate my own experience with money to the fear that many, if not most of us, experience when it comes to being free and decisive about our personal and financial futures. Instead, we often end up treating our money as we treat ourselves, with the same fear to displease others, the same fear to not belong or fit in, or that to be rejected…It’s also the same fear that prompts us to not ask for a raise at work, sell our services for less than they’re worth, and allow our significant others to mismanage and abuse our own money… It’s the same fear that basically, as Suze puts it, prompts us to put “ourselves for sale”…

Confirming that, like so many women, I need to take a good look at my relationship with money, opened my eyes, especially as a woman in my 40’s. What this book also allowed me to realize is how important it is to use time and knowledge to our advantage to build a secure financial, and ultimately, personal future. Tips such as living below our means in order to boost our retirement savings, investing in life insurance, preparing to support kids in college through 529 plans, and setting up key documents such as wills and revocable trusts, are a much-needed wake-up call for all women and mothers. The importance of planning our financial futures early, not only for ourselves, but most importantly for our loved ones, is often ignored at the expense of pleasing others and surviving. What we often do not realize is that not taking care of our financial health does not only impact us, but our families and communities in the long run.

Overall, this is a book I highly recommend and consider a must-read for all women. More than financial tips, it urges us to revisit our relationship with ourselves and money, and set ourselves and loved ones for success. If anything, taking care of our money is a gift to ourselves and others around us.

With gratitude,

The Corporate Sister.

Ditching Hard Motherhood for Softer Mothering: Thriving instead of surviving as working moms

Ditching Hard Motherhood for Softer Mothering: Thriving instead of surviving as working moms

Motherhood is beautiful. Yet, for many working mothers, especially in the US, especially in the past few years peppered with global pandemics, political and economic woes, motherhood has been “hard”. Hard is not often a word that we want to associate with being a mother, at least not one we dare to speak out loud when it comes to mothering. Yet, it certainly is the reality for many, one we soften with cute Instagram videos and funny stories, but a reality nevertheless. As many women after the COVID pandemic especially are turning to a “softer” approach to life and work, they’re also turning to a “softer” kind of motherhood. One that seeks to relieve the pressures of modern motherhood, allowing women to mother more lightly, more happily, more authentically…

I remember having a conversation with a fellow mom at my kids’ school. She laughingly was recounting how one of her daughters had told her on the ride to school one morning, that she did not want to be a mother when she’d grow up. When asked why, the young girl responded: “ Because it is so hard…” That made me think about all the times my own children may have thought the same thing. All the times our kids, nieces, or nephews look at us , between drop-offs, pick-ups, after-school activities and overflowing laundry baskets, and vow not to have children of their own, because…it looks so hard. And this is considering that most of us make it look easier than it actually is…

Many women are hitting walls of exhaustion and burnout, and bravely acknowledging it, as New Zealand’s ex-prime minister Jacinda Ardern did by stepping down earlier this year. As they do so, they are also sending the signal that things cannot keep going as they have been. Even as the world needs increased gender equity, diversity and inclusion, what it doesn’t need are mothers too exhausted to fulfill their potential in and outside of the home. Yet, with companies reneging on work-life balance measures and slowing down their diversity efforts, this is also signaling an urgent need to step back, stop glorifying the “hard” path to working motherhood, and instead re-imagining a softer way.

Often, when we hear of taking a “softer” approach, we may be tempted to think the latter would be less effective. In a society focused on over-performance at the expense of effectiveness, we’ve unfortunately come to equate “hard” with “effective”, or even “worthy”. Yet, the opposite couldn’t be truer. When it comes to motherhood, “hard” erodes the foundation of healthy mothering. Hard motherhood is motherhood that lacks flexibility, motherhood that barely survives rather than thrives, motherhood that is not full or complete, but only a shadow of its true potential. When mothers are submitted to unbearable pressure to perform, produce and deliver in the midst of a blatant lack of social, economic and political support, they are not set up for purpose, fulfillment or success. On the very contrary, they are set up for failure. And when mothers are set up for failure, families, communities and entire societies are set up for failure.

So what are we to do when ditching hard motherhood for softer mothering? In our modern society focused on productivity and results, it’s a tall order. Yet, it’s a change that can occur gradually starting with a few underrated, yet oh so effective principles:

  • Changing our minds about what it means to be a working mother

It all starts with mindset. For many, if not most working moms, motherhood has become an endless performance. From the wee hours of morning, to late night, they’re performing and giving of themselves without so much as a respite. The tiredness, the exhaustion, even the resentment have become a badge of honor, and the source of many acclaimed social media memes. If you’re a working mom, you must be tired. If you’re a working mom, you must not have time for self-care. If you’re a working mom, you must deny yourself, day in and day out. I remember an acquaintance telling me when my kids were still babies, that I did not look like a working mom because I was too well-put together. So does looking disheveled and piling on the under-eye concealers otherwise qualify us to be valid, worthy working mothers? Nope.

This journey towards softer motherhood begins with a changed mindset around what it means to be a working mom. It means redefining working motherhood in terms of better work-life integration, increased fulfillment and purpose. No, we don’t have to look like we’re on the brink of burnout to be approved as good mothers.

  • Reframe our careers and lives

The next step is to reframe our careers and lives around this mindset of fulfillment, purpose and fullness on our own terms. What are our non-negotiables? How do we take better care of ourselves in order to take better care of others? What can we take off of our plates rather than adding in? Where, and how can we get the support we need? These are a few questions to begin and continue the conversation.

Reframing our careers and lives is a matter of re-envisioning what a sustainable schedule looks like, from work obligations to kids’ activities. It is creating margins and boundaries in otherwise impossible timetables. Sometimes, it may be a matter of getting rid of the entire timetable altogether.

  • Taking back our power

Last but not least, softer mothering is about taking back our power to live fuller, more authentic lives that do not reflect a fraction of our potential, but as close to its entirety as possible. It’s about reclaiming the time that is so freely given away and under-estimated, and requesting the infrastructures and support needed, whether it’s childcare, flexibility or equity in the home. Finally, it’s about getting rid of the creeping, generational, overwhelming fear that keeps us from prioritizing our needs, and regaining the confidence to be the mothers we were created to be.

At the end of the day, motherhood was not supposed to be hard. Not this kind of societally-imposed, articificially-made “hard”. Is it bound to be challenging? Yes. Is it supposed to be easy? No. But this hard shell of modern motherhood that seems to be offered on the platter of “having (and doing) it all”, is not it. Rather, re-imagining a softer, effective, and sustainable approach to modern mothering is a better path to creating and sustaining societies that can thrive, and not just survive.

With gratitude,

The Corporate Sis

Not enough time, money or resources for self-care? 4 Simple Ways to Care for Yourself

Not enough time, money or resources for self-care? 4 Simple Ways to Care for Yourself

Self-care? What self-care? That’s the question many working women and moms ask themselves (and others) when constantly pummeled with the urgency of self-care. When everything else is urgent, from the kids’ school activities to professional responsibilities and household duties, how do we make time for self-care? How do we even begin to care for ourselves when there is so much to do to care for others? And most importantly, how do we maintain a consistent habit of self-care when our schedules are prone to so much change and upheaval, from kids’ sick days to hybrid work?

If you’re reading this and nodding, then you know how setting and keeping self-care habits as a working woman and mom is daunting. It’s all fun and games to read the plethora of self-care advice out there, especially coming from women who are able to hire personal chefs, trainers and assistants? Yet, when you’re busy saving for the kids’ college and catching up on your own retirement, all the while trying to get your sleep on and snatching some childcare on the fly, where do you fit self-care?

Like so many other working women and moms, I have, and still am, grappling with all these questions, plus the undercover guilt of not properly taking care of myself at times. Finding the time, money and resources to practice and maintain proper self-care is no easy feat. So what are some simpler ways, accessible and available to most of us, to do this without breaking the bank, the schedule or losing our minds? Here are three simple ways to get started:

  • Build small self-care habits into your daily routine

Planning for the monthly spa date with the girls or a solo trip is certainly great for most of us. However, for many among us, it’s not always feasible. Even when it is, it may not be sustainable in the long run, what with the little one catching a cold, an unexpected bill popping up, or a marriage crisis brewing in the background. Besides, what are we to do in between the monthly spa dates and solo trips?
This is where building self-care into your daily routine can make a difference. It starts by seeing self-care differently, as just the simple act of caring for oneself, and not necessarily champagne-infused indulgences at the local spa. This can be done by building small self-care habits in the margins of life and work, such as waking up a few minutes earlier to enjoy a cup of coffee alone, or going to bed earlier to read a few pages of your favorite novel before catching some zzz’s. Long commute? How about finding some self-care podcasts to listen to, such as one of my favorites, “The Science of Happiness”.

  • Set an easy budget

Google the word “self-care”, and you may easily be overwhelmed with glamorous pictures of girls’ trips in Napa valley sipping on some fancy wine, or overpriced spas offering the latest fad in Swedish massages…Even self-care apparently requires money these days. Don’t get me wrong, I can enjoy a fancy spa and gourmet wine too, just not one that adds more financial stress…

If you’re like me, setting an easy “self-care” budget can help. This can be as easy as setting up an automatic $20 deduction a week from your paycheck into an account appropriately called “Self-Care” or “Self Love” (or whichever name will bring a smile of relief on your face). That’s $80 a month, $240 a year, and can take care of some the indulgences you would list under self-care.

  • Make it a family habit

For the working mamas reading this, we all know how self-care can be daunting. Just getting time on the toilet to gather your thoughts together or scroll through Instagram can be a challenge, never mind a stroll at the local mall or 15 minutes to get your eyebrows waxed without the little one requesting your undivided attention. So how about making self-care a family habit? I get it, the point is to get away from the family, however building family habits around self-care can help everyone understand and respect the need for it. This can take the form of implementing some “quiet time” at home, or teaching kids about the importance of self-care by helping them develop their own self-care habits.

  • Get a self-care accountability partner

One of the biggest obstacles to taking care of ourselves, is actually maintaining good self-care habits. Often, especially at the beginning of a year or season, we start on a good footing, only to fall back a few weeks or months later, overtaken by other “urgent” tasks and too tired to re-commit. This is where a self-care accountability partner can help. Sharing your self-care goals and being accountable to someone else can go a long way toward ensuring you don’t fall off the bandwagon. And if you do, someone will be there to catch you.

All in all, as attractive as the prospect of self-care can be, the reality is, it can also be daunting for many working women and moms already stretched too thin. However, by building self-care into our daily routine, setting an easy budget, making it a family habit, and getting a self-care accountability partner, it is possible to include more self-care into our daily lives.

How will you add in more self-care in your days?

With gratitude,

The Corporate Sis

How to plan for more work-life integration as a working woman and mom

How to plan for more work-life integration as a working woman and mom

When we think of working women and moms, we often think of work-life balance, this elusive Eldorado of perfect (or semi-perfect) equilibrium between motherhood, work, and life in general. An elusive Eldorado that has yet to be proven true, and whose impracticality and subjective nature keep pushing working women and moms everywhere over the edge… Countless articles and arguments have been written and built around this concept, only to slowly end in the sober realization that

work-life balance for working women and moms simply does not exist…Instead, shouldn’t we focus more on work-life integration?

How can one balance the deeply personal, unpredictable and subjective journey of motherhood with the creation and nurturing of a partnership or marriage, and the demands of a purposeful career interspersed with the many obstacles all too common to working women and mothers? How can one talk about balance when your average working mom performs at least five jobs before even leaving the house in the morning? And how can there ever be a sense of balance after the way women bore the brunt of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, from the home to the business and work front?

The simple answer, after all these years of building theories and concepts around work-life balance, is that there is none after all, at least not for working women and moms. The good news? There is a link between work and life, one that can finally be beneficial for working women and moms. It is not balance, but rather an integration of the various aspects and areas of our lives as working women and mothers.

While I, as a working woman and mom, do not pretend to or even desire to balance work and life, as it would suggest an equality of weights that does not even begin to exist; I can integrate them into the ever-evolving puzzle of my life. Here are a few steps to get started:

  • See your life as a whole

The first step is to stop giving in to the temptation of compartmentalizing the various areas of our lives. As effective as it may sound, I have found in my own experience as a working woman and mom it doesn’t exactly work. Planning for my work schedule without taking into account the kids’ school and activity schedule is a recipe for disaster. So is considering what my priorities at home are, without taking into account my professional life. Hence why it’s so important to see our lives as a whole, with inter-dependent and integrated areas as opposed to separate and independent aspects…

  • Consolidate what you can

When I started really understanding how connected the various areas of my life are, I began using the power of consolidation to bring them together. I have to say, my first motive was to make my life easier. The more I was able to consolidate tasks together, the better I was able to build and maintain habits that would otherwise be unsustainable for me. For instance, when I started building my schedule to allow me to go to the gym right after dropping off the kids, building a consistent exercising habit became easier. Since I already had to be out dropping off the kids, why not wrap my exercise into this continuum of activity? The more you can consolidate your habits, tasks and ultimately your day-to-day schedule, the more you can achieve a more integrated work and life. This way, switching from one activity to another goes from being this impossible task, to just being part of a flowing schedule.

  • Create and maintain margins

One of the biggest problems I face as a working woman and mom is having enough margin in my schedule. Instead, I often face, as many working women and moms, a packed-tight schedule with very little breathing room. The result? Feeling a sense of always running from one thing to the other, without enough breaks in between. Ultimately, this results in a sense of going from crisis to crisis and never catching a break.

This is when intentionally creating margins and breaks in your schedule can help. When we see and approach work, life, parenting, relationships, etc, as separate blocks to attend to, we tend to want to allow as much time as possible to each, thus foregoing the necessary spaces between them we need to breathe and recover. However, when integrating work and life, we’re able to allow the various areas of our lives to flow into each other, creating the much-needed margins we crave. For me, it means limiting multi-tasking, scheduling breaks, and allowing for at least an extra ten minutes for each task.

Overall, planning for more work-life integration as a working woman and mom requires the willingness to see our lives as a whole, instead of buckets to fill up and boxes to check at the end of the day. It also demands intention and some level of planning to consolidate what we can, and create the margins we need to breathe, recover and refuel. This year and beyond, I hope we can commit to more work-life integration and allow ourselves to live fully, rather in a compartmentalized way.

How will you integrate your work and life this year?

With gratitude,

The Corporate Sis.

Book Review: The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

Book Review: The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

There are few books I’ve read that have made me feel like my experience as a working woman and a mother in general, and a Black professional woman and mom in particular, is universal. Seldom have I felt more at home than in the pages of Michelle Obama’s latest book “The Light We Carry”. Rarely have I felt more seen, more touched, less invisible than inside her no-nonsense words, her lived experience, the shelter of her unique yet so universal testimony…

Yet, this is no common woman whose life I was reading the bold and brilliant strokes of. This woman, this role model to the whole world, also happens to be the first Black woman first Lady of the United States of America, an educated, profoundly and powerfully human woman. A woman who’s been praised, but also critiqued, denigrated and misunderstood…Yet a woman whose light she so graciously allows to shine on the rest of us, even as she gently summons us to let our own shine…

As a Black woman born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, an immigrant on US soil, someone at the margins of different worlds, cultures, even languages, I could so relate to her voice also suspended between worlds. Worlds transcending generations of past slaves, into a middle-class home on Euclid Avenue in Chicago, to the heights of Ivy league schools and prestigious law firms, into the noble service of the highest office of the land at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Worlds that may seem foreign to a little African girl like myself, an immigrant, yet that rang a familiar bell through every single word, every heavy phrase of a loaded yet interestingly familiar read. The reason this book felt so familiar to me, is because it speaks of the universal familiar experience of being a human being, a woman, a mother at the fringes of worlds colliding and coming together in an unending dance of life and experience…

How I could relate to the strong sense of achievement brewing inside the young woman on Euclid Avenue, as she felt in her a call for the things, places and universes many did not think she belonged in. How I could understand the determination to transcend barriers in her way, coupled with the desire to do it in an authentic, real manner that also made room for the things that truly matter, like family, love, health. And how I could sense the deep longing for normalcy in the midst of the uncommon, the cultivation of the ordinary in the middle of the extraordinary, the duality between the highs and lows of those of us who dare to do the work of our lives…

More than anything, what I could relate to was the feeling of constantly navigating different worlds as a Black woman at work and in life. This constant need to adjust, recalibrate, prepare and do the work. It’s a feeling so many Black women experience in the corporate and professional world day in and day out, one they learn to carry with them as fuel rather than deterrent to their own lights. One they fight to not let steal their authenticity, their heart, hope and soul, as they stand on the shoulders of the women and men who came before. Those same shoulders that made it possible for us to wear our natural hair at work, to create our own businesses, to be more vulnerable, more raw, more human…I could hear and feel through her words the ache of others’ perceptions when someone who wasn’t supposed to make it does in fact break through the doors of success, when the cost of destiny is leaving your home and family to pursue new dreams, when all you have is your faith, hope and fight to turn the rejection, frustration and anger into the healing power to keep moving forward.

As a mother reading her, I could so relate to the urge to protect our children, counterbalanced by the need to allow them to fly on their own. One of the parts that most edified me in the book, is the part when she was describing her mother. Learning about her own mother teaching both she and her brother to be more independent, taught me about the more challenging yet more impactful side of mothering. The side that requires us to prepare rather than hinder our children from the world. The part that describes our job not just as a rosy cloud of love and kisses, but as a tough armoring of the souls entrusted to us. The side that requires us to buy our kids an alarm clock rather than having them depend on us to get out of bed in the morning. By the way, I did buy my son an alarm clock, finally…

As a wife and partner reading her, I could so relate to her account of the reality of marriage. Not a reality mired in roses and visions of eternal romance, but one of practical love, love that stands the test of time, love that takes into account the differences in people, backgrounds and destinies. The no-nonsense love of our forefathers and mothers, who shared a common purpose, a common goal, those who weathered storms and somehow came out on the other side…What it also made me realize is the imbalance of marriage, the uneven nature of partnership at its core, and how to navigate the reality of it with a long-term view in mind while still keeping our end of the bargain somewhat intact.

Reading Michelle Obama’s words, I could feel a growing sense of hope that the work is not, after all in vain. The work of motherhood, the work of marriage, the work of Purpose, and ultimately, the work of being human. While I could identify more closely to her experience as a Black woman, wife, mother, sister, friend, it was really the universality of her story that she refers to, that is left in me. A universality that says, as she herself explains it so well, that at the end of the day, we have more in common than we have differences. That as women and mothers, the threads of our existences and experiences are so intertwined, so similar despite all the apparent complexities of our individual stories, that we can’t help but hear each other even in the midst of the noise of our current times. Most importantly, we can’t help but see each other, see the light we carry, the light we give, the light we receive…

Thank you Michelle Obama!

Buy the book here:

With gratitude,

The Corporate Sis.