This is my son’s usual question towards the end of the day on the days I work remotely. With this current pandemic, it’s been promoted to a daily inquiry. One that has made my mother’s heart tighten up a bit on one hand, but on the other hand has pushed me to better manage my work remotely, and show up better at home and at work.
Whether you’ve been working from home for quite some time, or have been keeping safe at home under the current coronavirus pandemic, managing your career remotely requires some adjustments. This is especially important for working moms, for whom home also rhymes with an entire other set of family and administrative commitments. As we’ve seen and experienced all too well, this pandemic is taking its highest toll on working moms whose share of responsibilities has now been multiplied while their share of equity is once again being put on the backburner.
While I do work from home some of the time when I’m not teaching, transitioning to being fully online under the current crisis has been quite the adjustment. Like so many, I’ve had to start thinking about my career differently, and pivot to devising more effective ways to produce and deliver my work without negatively impacting its quality as well as the fulfillment I get from it. For me, it’s been learning to teach online and set up ways to communicate with my students, colleagues and consulting clients in a way that allows us to still maintain a sense of connection and humanity despite the virtual nature of our interactions. From virtual meetings to remote classes, it’s been not just a practical shift, but also a mental one. As a working mom, it also means adjusting to the new normal of homeschooling, sharing a space with my spouse and kids, and adjusting to mine and our family’s new needs and expectations.
It is well-known that working women and working moms have had a notoriously challenging time with remote careers. The lack of direct contact and feedback, as well as the many false assumptions around working women, coupled with the perpetuation of gender inequity in the workplace, have created difficult conditions for remote work for women in general, and moms in particular.
Yet, managing your career remotely does not have to be an exercise in painful adjustments, or result in a career crisis altogether. Here are a few tips I’m learning to implement when managing my own career remotely as a working mom:
Clarify expectations
In the whirlwind of email communications and remote assignments, miscommunication can easily occur and expectations can get lost in the shuffle. Whereas having a quick conversation to clarify goals and objectives in-between meetings can be easily achieved in person, doing so remotely is more challenging.
I’ve learnt to clarify expectations and assignments as soon as feasible, and preferably before planning for and tackling these. Ideally, doing so at the beginning of every period, be it weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly, helps set clear deliverables to strive towards. Keeping track of these clarifications via email or through another form of documentation can also go a long way to provide something to go back to in case of misunderstanding or if things veer off track.
Request regular feedback
Working remotely increases the chance for miscommunication and missed expectations. This is where requesting regular feedback can help reduce the gap in communication, while also providing a reliable source of information and evaluation.
It’s also important as a way to protect oneself in case of misunderstanding and miscommunication. In addition to just requesting feedback, ensuring it is documented helps with keeping a valuable resource to go back to, in addition to powerful protection for the future.
Keep track of your progress
When it comes to remote work, distance makes progress harder to track, especially for working moms, as we can be pulled in multiple directions at once. This is why keeping track of our progress becomes crucial. This can be done through regular notes, or by keeping a more or less traditional time tracker or timesheet.
Not only does keeping track of one’s progress help with addressing outside questions and requests, but also in terms of re-evaluating how we’ve used our time and if any adjustments are needed.
Overall, working remotely as a working woman and mom certainly carries with it its share of challenges. However, being proactive about clarifying expectations, requesting regular feedback, and keeping track of one’s progress, is key to not only ensuring that we’re productive and effective, but also to protect our careers.
What other tips do you have as a working woman and mom when it comes to managing your career remotely?
It’s not from me. It’s from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. And no, I’m no expert at ancient Greek philosophy, but I, like so many of us, have certainly had the privilege (and pain) to learn about this adage the hard way. As in, when change strikes when you least expect. Or when crisis hits, and it seems life may never return to “normal”, as in this pandemic we’re currently experiencing.
There is so much talk about returning to “normal”, to our “normal” family and friends, our “normal” schools, jobs and businesses, to our “normal” way of doing things… Yet, we’re all changing, growing and adapting through this, and so are our families, friends, institutions, businesses, and our society as a whole…Nothing will be quite “normal” after this, and nothing really has been “normal” about our lives as people, as working women and moms, for the simple reason that change has always been present…Family change, moves, relocations, job losses, job gains, bankruptcy, divorce, new marriage, new baby, new job, new business: change has always been the only constant…
A 2009 survey by Mc Kinsey & Co.of over 800 women serving as global business leaders showed that leadership behaviors of women leaders prove critical in navigating through a global economic crisis. Additionally, the survey also revealed that companies with at least three female executives achieve a higher score on key organizational dimensions. This goes to demonstrate that when it comes to handling change and thriving through crisis, women are certainly well-equipped both personally and professionally.
However, it can be easy for many of us, as working women and moms, to doubt our own ability to navigate change and effectively handle times of crisis, despite the undeniable evidence to the contrary. Some of the tips below may help not just in reminding ourselves of our incredible resilience, adaptability and agility, but also as guideposts to keep cultivating these:
Consider the BIG picture
I’ve learnt when the going gets tough, and the solutions are not readily available, to stay out of the weeds and details of situations, whether personally or professionally. I used to be stuck on details and be lost, instead of looking at the whole picture and see helpful patterns. If you just look at the soccer ball during the game, you easily get lost. When you start looking at the players’ patterns, you can see the entire game.
What are the patterns you can see in your situation? What are they teaching you personally and professionally? Are you seeing patterns repeating themselves, and what can you do about it?
Ask different questions
One of the first skills I learnt as a brand new associate auditor straight out of school was to ask the right questions. Not any questions, but the right questions. In situations when the solutions are not clear, like in this crisis, you may want to ask different questions that open up different, wider possibilities.
Questions like: “What seems possible today?”, “What can I learn here?”, “What did I not expect and what can I do with that?”
Experiment and learn
In a situation of crisis, it’s easy to just pinpoint a goal and try to get there. When this all started, my initial goal was to try and keep everything as “normal” as possible until the crisis ended. Needless to say, that didn’t work…Instead I had to look at unconventional and unexpected places that showed some promise or at least a glimmer of hope, like using technology to teach, or talking to my kids differently, or creating new rituals in my couple so we didn’t kill each other before the virus got to us (I know, that’s terrible humor)…
As working women and moms, we’re not just wired to survive times of crisis and change, but to thrive and rise through them…
Who better than a working mom juggling the challenges of raising kids, running a household and striving in her career, knows how to work under pressure? Not many. During times of uncertainty and challenge, we can all learn so much from working moms who don’t just survive, but actually thrive during tough times.
Being and watching other working moms successfully juggle life and work, starting with my own mother, has taught me infinitely more than I could learn from the best crisis management courses. There is something about facing days filled with raising little humans, nurturing relationships and building careers, while growing and developing into the best version of yourself, that makes you resilient in the face of the worst high-pressure situations, such as the coronavirus pandemic we’re currently facing. Here are some of the best tips I’ve gathered from being, watching and talking to working moms around me to work successfully under pressure:
Have a “gotta do what you’ve got to do” mentality
Decide that no matter what, you’ve literally got to do what you’ve got to do. This is the mentality I’ve seen exceptional working moms adopt when at a professional or personal impasse. There is no giving up when you have a family to feed, people to help, organizations to support and life goals to reach.
Whether it’s looking for a new job, starting a side gig, waking up earlier, you’ve just got to do what you what you’ve got to do!
Be resourceful
Different times call for different resources, and no one knows this better than a working mom. Resourcefulness is the name of the game when you have to deal with family change of plans at the last minute, run to pick up a sick kid, or shine during an online meeting while potty-training a toddler.
When crisis hits, don’t hesitate to ditch traditional ways of doing things for more resourceful options.
Decide and focus on your priorities
Challenging times call for increased focus. When circumstances get tough, there’s limited time to handle every single task. Working moms who strive under pressure know what to prioritize and what to let go of. There is no room for perfectionism when you’re under pressure, so you must zoom in on your most important priorities.
What are your priorities? How can you manage to attend to these while keeping on going during difficult times? It may mean waking earlier to care for the kids first before tackling work, or put money aside for essential needs at the expense of other wants.
Learn from experience
Experience, especially the tough kind, is what makes resilient and strong working moms. This experience is often made of its fair share of failures, setbacks, and learn-on-the-spot kind of moments. When the pressure mounts, it becomes crucial to dip into your reserves of experience to keep going, and actually to perform better than before.
What have you learnt from experience, especially during times of prior crisis and challenge? How can you apply to the current challenges you’re facing?
Dare to ask for help
Under pressure, it can be tempting to want to do it all on your own. Yet one thing many working moms know is trying to handle it all does not work. While asking for help may initially feel intimidating and a blow to our egos, it actually is a sign of strength.
The most resilient people are also those who are not afraid to show their vulnerability, namely by reaching out to seek assistance. This is especially important during challenging times that may require more resources, time and energy that we may have at our disposal.
All in all, there’s a lot we can learn from working moms when it comes to working under pressure, from having a tough mentality to displaying resourcefulness and daring to ask for help.
What simple tips do you have to work under pressure?
As work is increasingly done remotely, especially in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, more meetings are being conducted online. While the general rules of an effective meeting apply remotely as well, the change in environment and setting does alter the way we run and perform in an online meeting. This change in environment can be especially challenging for working women and working moms, who may find thatremote meetings make it even harder for women to be heard and stand out.
According to this study by psychologist Victoria Brescoll, work meetings in general perpetuate gender inequities in the workplace, as men speaking up more often tend to be viewed as more competent while women would be rated less competent when speaking up more often. These inequities in turn tend be amplified in online environments. Additionally, women are largely in charge of household responsibilities, and as such are more likely to be preoccupied and distracted by sheer virtue of being home. As such, the same traditional gender roles that may overrule workplaces and households may also take over during online meetings.
As a working mom and introvert, switching from physical meetings to remote, online ones has certainly been an adjustment. First, the online etiquette is different from that of live meetings, which affects the way participants contribute and stand out. Second, the way an online meeting is run has significant repercussions on its effectiveness and outcome. Last but not least, the incidence of potential technical difficulties can discourage contributors as well.
So how do you stand out as a working woman in an online meeting, when you may be worried about your kids barging in the room at any moment, or preoccupied about dinner in addition to all your work deliverables? How do you manage all your competing priorities while still appearing professional and doing your best work? What do you make of less than ideal circumstances when your goal is to keep forging ahead successfully both personally and professionally? While the answers may vary from one woman to another, there are a few steps that may help:
Be intentional about the meeting: What are you bringing to the table and what are you hoping to get out of it?
Online meetings, just like meetings in general, can be huge time-wasters, especially considering the lessened physical interaction and remote environment, in which so many things can go under the radar and be unnoticed. It’s the reason why I’ve learnt to be more intentional about meetings in general, and about online meetings in particular.
What are you able to contribute to the meeting? What are you hoping to get out of the meeting? The clearer you are about your answers to these questions, the better the outcome.
Prepare ahead of time
Advance preparation for any meeting cannot be overemphasized. For online meetings, it’s even more crucial and includes more elements such as:
The appropriate online etiquette
The agenda of the meeting
The location of the files to be discussed, if any
The meeting participants
Any technical arrangements in case you have to present something for instance
This also means testing the technology beforehand, to make sure you will not have any issues accessing the meeting or contributing to it. Also make sure you have additional options such as audio dial-in, in case your internet connection becomes unstable.
If possible, share your video
In the absence of physical interaction, picking up on facial and bodily cues becomes crucial during online meetings. While there are certainly instances when you’re not able to appear on video, as much as possible when you’re able to do so, allowing yourself to be seen makes a difference in the way you’re perceived and how your contribution to the meeting is received. This helps personalize the conversation, and adds another layer of professionalism and personality to your presence and contribution.
As such, showing up with a professional appearance is recommended. While it can be tempting to adopt a more laid-back style at home, a professional look while at work, even remotely, can go a long way towards maintaining and improving your professional reputation.
Don’t be afraid to speak up!
It may be intimidating and a bit cumbersome to speak up in an online environment. Actually, it may be quite tempting to hide behind one’s screen and lay low. However, this is where your capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and still be reliable and consistent is tested.
If online meetings are intimidating to you, consider rehearsing your potential remarks and contributions ahead of time. Jot down the ideas you intend to share, so you can rely back on your notes during the meeting. Additionally, consider using the chatting capabilities, if available, to share additional insights and remarks.
Prepare to deal with last-minute mishaps like a pro!
When working from home, especially as a working woman and mom, mishaps are bound to happen. I’ve had my kids pop up during online meetings, my phone accidentally go off or crash on the floor, or the doorbell ring off the hook in the middle of a virtual presentation…Things just happen!
Mentally prepare for the possibility of mishaps, so as not to lose your focus and countenance when these occur (because they will happen). Even better, you may choose to forewarn the other participants, if you suspect an interruption during the meeting, and have some sort of a contingency plan in place, just in case. Whatever may happen, try and keep your cool. This is also how you demonstrate leadership and adaptability, and stand out as a true leader.
Keep the human touch!
Don’t forget to keep the human touch, even remotely! Smiling, being courteous and considerate never go out of style, even and especially in online environments. Showing respect and appreciation for others, while still bringing your contributions to the online table, are also signs of great leadership and personality.
All in all, standing out in an online work meeting may be far from easy for working women and moms, due to consistent gender inequities and the unequal distribution of responsibilities on the home front. However, positive change can be created with a few consistent steps and actions…
How are you managing and standing out in online meetings as a working woman and mom?
Welcome to Let It Be Friday!, where I say hello (and TGIF), and round up the lifestyle, career and business news that inspired, excited, made me smile (or laugh out loud).
I hope you and your loved ones are well and keeping safe, and wishing us all strength, patience and courage through this crisis!
In this work-from-home new normal, Making Sense of Cents recommends 24 best options to working from home and tips to avoid scams;
Is your home your new office? US News share work-life balance tips when you’re now working from home;
Got an old breast pump you’re no longer using? You can donate it to be turned into a ventilator for hospitals in need by this engineer mom;
Looking for a job during a recession? Business Insider shares a useful email template from a Linked In career expert;
Worried about your marriage during the coronavirus pandemic? The Corporate Sister shares tips on preserving your relationship in challenging times;
Working mamas alert! Working Mother shares exciting backyard games to keep the little ones busy and entertained at home;
Black Enterprise reveals AvaDuvernay’s launch of a $250,000 arts fund for women and minorities;
Looking for comfortable wear as you’re safe at home during this crisis? WhoWhatWear shares its ultimate work-from-home wardrobe capsule;
Virtual happy hour anyone? Buzzfeed share 16 cocktail recipes that feel like a vacation in a glass;
Leaning on your pantry to cook? Food52 shares 15 big little recipes leaning on your pantry items.
Times of crisis, whether personal or professional, may not exactly bring to mind more successful careers. As we’re navigating the coronavirus crisis at the moment, so many jobs are being moved online to be performed remotely, while many others are unfortunately being lost to a seemingly declining economic outlook. Additionally, this crisis is disproportionately affecting women, as a result of the already existing disparities between men and women at work.
As the future may appear gloomy, many, as a working woman and/or mom, you may be wondering what can be done to remedy the situation. While there are many elements outside of your control in times like the ones we’re currently facing, there are a few things you may be able to do, as challenging and counter-intuitive they may seem. One of these is to strengthen your career in times of crisis:
Re-center and re-focus!
Crisis have an uncanny ability to help bring us back to ourselves, as we re-center and re-focus o who we truly are, what is important to us, and what drives and motivates us. “What am I here for? What is my purpose? How is my current career aligning with who I am and my true purpose?” These are a few of the questions that may arise during challenging times.
The urge to re-center and re-focus in times of challenge is actually a gift, one that has the potential to help bring us increased clarity and strengthen us, thereby indirectly strengthening our careers.
Cultivate your adaptability to change
The only constant is change. More than intellectual ability or street smarts, it’s your adaptability to change that really determines whether you just get to survive, or thrive. As you re-center and re-focus on your priorities, you also free yourself to adapt to different, more challenging contexts.
It’s this same adaptability to change that constitutes one of the most vital skills for any long-term career, and can propel you from shaky economic ground to stable and positive professional re-invention.
Never stop learning!
Last but not least, times of crisis are also times of learning and tremendous growth hidden behind hardships and challenges. These are the lessons, insights and growth spurts that end up becoming your most precious competitive advantages, both on a personal and professional level.
All in all, strengthening your career in times of crisis may sound counter-intuitive, but is actually a by-product of challenging times. It’s when your career may seem the most strengthened that paradoxically, you may just be on the brink of discovering your best professional assets and strengths.
How are you managing your career in times of crisis?
Welcome to Let It Be Friday!, where I say hello (and TGIF), and round up the lifestyle, career and business news that inspired, excited, made me smile (or laugh out loud).
I hope you and your loved ones are well and keeping safe, and wishing us all strength, patience and courage through this crisis!
Working Mother details what the new coronavirus relief bill means for working parents;
Are you a small business owner? Forbes lists who is eligible for small business loans in the economic stimulus package;
Got video calls for work? The New York Times lists the do’s and dont’s of being on camera for work;
For all the married couples, beware of the quarantine! Black Enterprise reports divorce rates could spike as a result;
The Glassdoor Blog answers the question: How do we achieve work-life balance when working remotely?;