As I’m writing this post, I’m sitting on a flight in a middle seat on my way to the BlogHer ’17 conference in Orlando. It’s a Thursday morning, and right about this time, I should be getting the kids up to get ready for camp, as I hurriedly rush to complete any pending freelance gigs or blog posting before work.
Instead of my usual hurried morning routine spent between desperately attempting to get my little guy in the shower (something about his strong inner belief that showers are not needed by humans), coercing my daughter’s gorgeous and fierce curls into some form of a bun with my limited hairdressing skills, I’m sitting on a plane. Flying thousands of miles away to learn something new, but in the same token, paradoxically get back to who I’ve always been…
The BlogHer conference has been occurring annually for a few years now. This massive gathering of content creators, media moguls, social media stars, top brands, activist and fans, represents the culmination of expressive influence. Thousands of women meet every year at the intersection between expression and influence, across various industries and disciplines. Women like myself whose voices long to be heard.
Women who use what they have in their hands, in their lives, on their minds, to change the world, one voice at a time. Women like you and I….Except many women like you and I have not, or are still struggling to, tap into our own authentic voices. That is, without the guilt associated with doing anything remotely for yourself or according to your own plans…
Listen, I was trained as an accountant. Before that, I was trained to be an A-student. To follow the norms, walk within set boundaries, be docile, well-educated, and not too opinionated. Even before that, I was trained to make my mother, a single mother of four who made so many sacrifices to raise her children, proud. So I did as I was trained, like many of you. I went to school, got the good grades, got an honest job, and did the right thing. Except the right thing according to society is not always the thing that makes your soul sing…It’s not always the longing for your soul, the heart of who you were created to be…
Fast-forward thirty-something years later, I’m heading to BlogHer’17, looking forward to hearing some of my sheroes like Serena Williams, Joy Reid, Luvvie, Chelsea Clinton,and so many others, take center stage and share their stories. I’m heading to learn from, listen and connect with women who are consciously choosing to follow their purpose and let their voices be heard in the process. To many, it may just be a simple media and influencers conference.
To many more like myself, it’s an opportunity to step closer to identifying our voices. An opportunity to step away from who society tells us we “should” be, and be inspired to open up to who we really want to be.
Every time I attend a conference, networking event, or even a simple gathering of like-minded people connecting me to my purpose, it’s an opportunity to grow, learn, be inspired, and in return, inspire. It’s the power of stepping out of the ordinary into a space of possibility, opportunity and power! Yet above all, it’s getting closer to who you really are, the you that may get stifled by obligations, duties and responsibilities. The You that may have been trained to live, think and act a certain way. The You that is continuously re-discovering itself through the pile of life’s experiences…The You that always had a voice…
Summer’s here, and with the warm weather, trips to the beach, kids’ camps, vacations and other summer activities, also comes a slew of…expenses! Of course, the weather’s nicer, we want to spend more time eating and having fun outside…And of course, we end up blowing our (somewhat) tight budgets and going way over our fun (and shoe) allowance.
It can definitely help to make some money on the side to cover your additional expenses this summer. Whether you’re a student looking for a summer job or you’re just browsing around for a side hustle, here are 12 ways you can actually make extra money from the comfort of your home, as long as you have a Wifi connection:
Shop and earn cash back with Ebates! Love to shop online? Well, you’ve found the app that pays you to do it! Not only does it provide you with the best coupons online, but it also pays you money to purchase online. Similar alternatives include:
Save money without thinking with Digit! This awesome app basically allows you to save money without thinking about it, just like that! Basically, what it does is study your money habits, and transfers extra cash from your checking account to your Digit account, if you can afford it (there’s a no overdraft fee guarantee in effect, so you don’t have to worry about hitting the red). The only caveat is that they’re recently started charging their customers a monthly subscription fee of $2.99, which if you think about it, kinda defeats the purpose of saving money, right?
Get cash back with Ibotta! This is a free mobile coupon and cash back app available on iPhone and Android phones. You basically can earn cash back by buying select products, providing proof of purchase, and voila! Think of it as getting paid to shop, what better incentive right?
Gain more referral cash with iGain! This is an affiliate network in which you can earn commissions for each person you refer who can sign up for a survey.The more referrals, the more money in your pocket!
Get paid to express yourself with American Consumer Opinion! Do you like to take surveys? You can now get paid to simply express your opinions on new products, issues, etc. Signup is free too! A similar option is SurveyJunkie, another platform which allows you to get paid for expressing your opinions.
Get healthy and paid with Healthy Wage! What if you were getting paid to get healthy and lose weight? That’s what Healthy Wage does for you. Become a member, join a team and start reaping rewards simply for being healthy!
Bet on your health with Diet Bet! The principle here is similar to Healthy Wage. You basically bet on yourself to lose weight within in a team or by yourself, reach your goal and split the pot!
Get your money back with Paribus! If you’ve purchased an item online and the price happens to subsequently drop, this app will help you get your money back. It tracks your purchases from retailers such as Target, Amazon, or any of the other retailers on its website, and determines if you’re owed a refund. The best part? It also tracks your shipments to ensure you get money back for any late shipping, at times up to the entire shipping fee amount.
Let it go and make money with Letgo! How many times have you looked at all your stuff and realized that you’re not using half of it. This app lets you earn money by getting rid of your unwanted stuff. All you have to do is snap a picture, upload and voila!
Monetize your clutter with Decluttr! As its name indicates, this website will pay for any unwanted books, CDs, DVDs, etc. Time to declutter!
Get paid for your old books with Bookscouter! If you’re like me, you’re probably holding on to your old books from college. You can now easily let them go, and make money through the process, with Bookscouter.
Take beautiful pics with Foap! Like to take beautiful photos with your iPhone? You could actually get paid for them. Foap lets you upload your iPhone pictures to this marketplace, and if someone buys their license, you make money too!
Click BELOW to get your FREE download of my best 12 ways to make extra money online:
Have you been dreaming of building your own business? Are you hustling in your side business before and after work, creating your empire on the low? Are you ready to transition from employee to entrepreneur?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re already going through what I call the shift. It’s that mind shift, that transition, during which you move from having an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset. And truth be told, it’s a scary, intimidating and quite challenging kind of shift…
Ask any entrepreneur out there, and they’ll probably tell you that one of the biggest obstacles to shifting from being an employee to an entrepreneur is not necessarily the money, or the commitment, or even the support. It’s the mindset.
After all, it’s more than about just creating a business. It’s an actual spiritual and emotional transformation that takes you from an established way of thinking, to a new, ground-breaking mentality. It’s leaving behind the belief that you should be dependent on a paycheck, the approval of bosses and co-workers, and a somewhat stable, albeit political environment> It’s plunging into a world of calculated uncertainty, a world where you must trust yourself to thrust yourself forward.
When I started my side hustle, I had no idea what this entailed. I thought it was cute to write blog posts and dip my hustler toes into the entrepreneurial pond. But even as a side hustler, you start realizing that in order to put yourself out there, in order to market and promote whatever it is that you have to offer to the world, you must first change your mind. You must first get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and kicking the fear out the door. For one of the first times in my life, I came face to face with the fear to even put my name on my work, the fear of others’ perceptions, and ultimately the fear of failure and being laughed at…
Entrepreneurship, in whatever capacity or form it shows itself in, is risky and fear-inducing. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling lemonade in your backyard as a kid, writing your first book, or hustling to market your brand after-hours.
It took a lot of looking at other successful entrepreneurs, a lot of reading books written by other entrepreneurs, and a lot of uncomfortable soul-searching, nervous twitching and chocolate eating to start even scratching the surface of understanding this shift. And the reality is, there are even few entrepreneurs out there who acknowledge and talk about this switch between the employee and entrepreneur mindset.
One of the few entrepreneurs whom I’ve heard discuss it and acknowledge is Robert Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book series and franchise. In his books, he often refers to the emotional and spiritual work needed to make the transition from employee to entrepreneur. It’s easy to think that it’s all about getting the money, the right investors, the perfect business opportunity. But there’s more to it…
The more you’re able to change your mindset from employee to entrepreneur, the more you’re able to ensure your success. The more you can enjoy the transition and thrive in it. Here are 7 switches you can start making today to go from employee to entrepreneur in your mind first:
Employee: “I’m afraid so I must conform” vs. Entrepreneur: “My fear fuels me”
Being an employee also means being a part of a system. And let’s be real, very often, if not most often, being part of a system also means being part of a certain way of doing things. It may be how it’s done in your company, or in your department, or even in your group. Which also implies a certain underlying sense of fear if we do not conform…But we don’t admit the fear often enough to start realizing what it makes us do…
However, being an entrepreneur means first and foremost admitting that fear is definitely involved. But it’s also learning to use that fear as fuel instead of as an obstacle. To use the fear as energy to create more, work harder and innovate more.
Employee: “Mistakes are bad” vs. Entrepreneur: “My mistakes make me succeed”
The more mistakes you make as an employee, the closer you may get to getting fired. Right? Mistakes are not very popular in the conventional world of business. They’re perceived as costing money, time and energy. So we see them as bad and try as much as possible to stay away from them. Even if that involves pointing fingers and shifting the blame…
But an entrepreneur knows to value mistakes as the pathway to success. It’s only when you make mistakes and learn from them that you can improve and get better. Didn’t Michael Jordan famously say: “I’ve failed over and over in my life, and that’s why I succeed”? Oprah was fired at 23, depressed in her early 30’s, and faced seemingly insurmountable life challenges. Edison invented the lightbulb only after about 1,000 attempts. What does that tell you about the power of mistakes and failing?
Employee: “Security is taking no risks” vs. Entrepreneur: “Security is taking calculated risks”
Security is a steady paycheck and a reliable 401k. However, employment at will says you can get let go without cause. And it has been proven that 401ks are questionable ways to save for retirement.
Where security in the conventional business world may mean getting a paycheck and saving, for an entrepreneur it’s a matter of taking calculated risks.
Employee: “I must know it all” vs. “Entrepreneur: “I’m constantly learning”
Entrepreneurs are constant learners. Whereas there’s often an implicit requirement as employees to “know it all”, or at least pretend that we do, it’s important to start shifting your mindset to one where you’re not afraid to admit you don’t know everything. One where you’re open to learning constantly…
Employee: “ I must be the smartest person in the room” vs. Entrepreneur: “I surround myself with people who are smarter than me”
Do you notice that successful entrepreneurs are not afraid to surround themselves with people much smarter than them? It’s about reaching a common goal rather than looking a certain way.
However, in many a corporate environment, in order to thrive, you may have to be perceived as the smartest person in the room.
Employee: “It’s important that I look good on the outside” vs. Entrepreneur: “Who I am inside is more important”
Going out on your own entrepreneurial venture doesn’t just require an enormous amount of guts. It also requires a deep internal shift based on strong faith and a commitment to better yourself.
Unlike in situations when employees may have to look, dress or speak the part to be deemed worthy…
Employee: “The goal is my next promotion” vs. Entrepreneur: “ The goal is the journey”
Look at most performance reviews and you’ll notice that the goals are clearly structured in terms of the next thing to do, have or achieve… The next promotion, the next advancement opportunity, the next raise, etc….
Yet the entrepreneurial journey is a process in and of itself. One that is built upon each achievement, each failure, each lesson learnt.
Have you made some of these switches in your own journey?
This past week, I had the pleasure to host my first workshop on creating a strong brand for your career and business. To say that I was intimidated is an understatement! After all, conducting a workshop, especially your very first one, requires you to be adequately prepared, stand in front of an audience, and deliver valuable information, preferably without shaking, sweating profusely, or battling not to throw up your lunch…
As someone who tends to dread public speaking, signing up for a live workshop had me reaching for as much chocolate and coffee I could ingest in the least amount of time. Talk about stressful…
Interestingly enough, as the workshop happened (yes, I did show up), and went on, I enjoyed the experience so much that I actually wasn’t looking forward to it ending. I’m proud to say it was a success, which is why I’m here to share some of the nuggets of wisdom I learnt, applied and will enhance for my next workshop. These tips can be applied to virtually any presentation you may have to make in the future…
There’s always a “before” and after. When it comes to conducting any type of presentation, especially a workshop, the “before” happens to be as important, if not even more important, than the “during” or the “after”. What you do before standing in front of your workshop audience is crucial and determines how well you will actually do.
Set Goals: What is the Workshop’s Why?
What are you trying to achieve with this workshop or presentation? Are you teaching your audience about enhancing their career or business? Is this to help with team building? Are you trying to improve existing procedures?
Understanding and clearly defining your workshop’s goals helps you FOCUS the direction of your workshop. Think of it as a rallying cry for your audience! Besides, knowing exactly what you’re after will help you communicate it more effectively to your audience, while avoiding going in all directions and confusing people. It’s also a great assessment tool at the end of your workshop, to determine if you’ve met your goal, and what you need to improve on for the next time.
Mind Your Logistics!
Attendance or location may seem minor details at first, but they’re a hugely important part of conducting your workshop. Make sure you know exactly the location of your event. As the presenter, it’s your responsibility to get there ahead of time and be familiar with the room and equipment you’ll have at your disposal.
This also means making sure that everything is working as it’s supposed to before the event. The last thing you’d want is not to have a computer screen for your slide show on the day of, right? Make sure to confirm all these at least one day in advance, so the technical and logistical part of your presentation goes as planned.
Get your mindset right!
This should have actually been the very first point of this post. Any presentation or workshop you’re conducting will require you to be mentally sharp, present, as well as emotionally available. This is not just a matter of regurgitating information, but of actually engaging your audience, impart your knowledge and leave everyone in the room better off than they were before you left.
Practice meditation or breathing exercises prior, do your power pose, repeat favorite affirmations, whatever it takes to get your mind to a peaceful and productive place!
Have an agenda!
Right along with defining goals for your workshop, make sure to have an agenda. I usually include it as one of the opening slides in my workshop if I’m using a PowerPoint presentation.
It helps guide your presentation, and give both you and the audience a clear idea as to the structure of the workshop.
While what you do before a workshop usually sets the tone for it, what you do during it can spell success or doom. Here a few tips to get a handle of your workshop as you deliver your outstanding presentation:
Be there early!
Ok, let’s be real, I can be a bit on the late side. But getting to the workshop site early made a significant difference!
For one, it helped me put myself at ease mentally and get my bearings, in terms of setting the equipment, get the technology side running and taking a last look at my notes.
But the most important factor for me was the ability to establish a personal contact with the audience before even starting. This included greeting the audience, getting to know everyone’s name, profession, etc.
Make it a conversation!
The key to a successful workshop is engagement. So instead of standing in front of your audience lecturing, turn it instead into a living, breathing exchange of ideas.
Every section of my workshop started and ending with a question. After speaking for a while or noticing a lag of interest in the audience, I immediately switched into question mode, which kept them engaged.
Use your audience as part of your presentation!
Another way to keep your audience engaged is to elaborate on their participation. Did one audience member mention they’re actively looking for a new job? Or that their department’s policies are in dire need of improvement?
Build on these tidbits of information to make your arguments even more relevant. It’s one thing to use generalized examples and another (better) to actually use your audience for tangible advice!
Your workshop doesn’t end the minute you’re done with your last slide or argument. There are many ways to leverage your presentation even after you’re done:
Have a Q&A!
While your workshop should be open to questions at regular intervals, closing it with an official Q&A is a great way to wrap up!
Aside from being able to help your audience further, the Q&A also helps you come up with other great ideas for future workshops!
Ask for feedback!
Pass around a feedback sheet or ask for verbal feedback if possible. You want to know what worked and what didn’t, so you can improve the next time around! Plus it doesn’t hurt to get some encouragement along the way…
Follow up!
If possible, get your attendees’ email addresses and follow up with them after the workshop. It could be as simple as an email thanking them for attending, and encouraging them to stay in touch with you via your email list or any other medium you deem acceptable.
What other advice do you have for conducting a successful workshop?
This post is part of a Working Mom series run by The Corporate Sister in honor of Mother’ Day.
So you thought this entrepreneur thing would be all glitz and glam? That you’d finally get a full 8 hours of sleep while running your empire and keeping up with your weekly facials? The life of a successful, thriving mompreneur sporting slick hair, an impeccable manicure and the latest Louboutins…
Fast-forward into the (real) entrepreneurial world, and here you are, broken nails, hanging over the dinner casserole as you’re about to drop your cell phone in the pan while yelling at your nightmarish customer… Did you just get that mental picture? Yes, it’s that of a successful mompreneur juggling kids, dinnertime, broken nails, and a hopefully growing empire…
Truth is, I no longer want to hear about entrepreneurship as this safe haven for all our childhood dreams…Especially as a tired mom who can’t seem to convince my youngest to abide to daily showering for cleanliness’s sake, or get my primer to actually keep the doggone makeup on for more than a couple hours…
The reality is that for most mompreneurs out there, glitz and glam are as elusive as shaving every week (especially in the winter). Unless you’ve reached mogul status, in which case you still have to bribe your kids not to pull your fancy earrings or drop tapioca pudding in your Victoria’s Secret fine bra, you’re struggling…
You’re struggling to get everybody in and out of the shower with clean teeth and semi-clean bodies (trust me, there is no foolproof way of checking every one of the little body crevices). You’re struggling to type the next blog post while dear daughter is painting your toe nails with kiddie nail polish. And you’re struggling to finish that client project when everyone else in the house is snoring, and your eyes are arguing with you to shut down once and for all (and you know the suckers will win)…
Nothing against “dad-preneurs”, or “male-preneurs” everywhere, but there’s something about putting together two life missions like motherhood and entrepreneurship/following your calling/heeding the call that makes it a unique and oh so demanding combination…It’s not like you can clock out at 5pm, shut off that”work” compartment and go have “family time”…
If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re breathing entrepreneurship. And if you’re a mom, you’re breathing motherhood…If you’re both, you’re constantly catching your breath as you’re running from one demand to the other…No bathroom breaks here…
What I’ve learnt about being an air-deprived mompreneur with toes painted with kiddie nail polish can be summarized in three easy bullet points (because there’s no time for more, really):
Glamour, what glamour?
Let’s start with a quick reality check…There’s something about entrepreneurship that has this “never finished” quality. Which means the whole glamorous side of it, including sitting at a well-organized desk, surrounded by positive affirmations and healthy lemon water? Not so much. It’s the stuff of well-lit Instagram posts that aim to convince you that being a mompreneur is so seductive…
Instead, what you really may deal with may range from not having time to shower, and taking client calls while holding the baby in one arm and stirring the dinner pot with the other. Because entrepreneurship is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle, unlike traditional 9-to-5 that can be left behind after hours. And for moms, it happens to add onto an already packed schedule.
It gets easier!
After the glum first reality check, let’s add that it does get easier. The biggest hurdle as to being a mompreneur is setting a more or less flexible schedule to adhere to on a daily basis. And that requires time to fine-tune all your obligations, appointments and to-do’s into a somewhat harmonized day, all the while managing to get decent sleep and comb your hair every now and again…
The part when it gets easier is when you get better at planning your days, making room for the unexpected, and making peace with not hitting all your goals all the time. Oh, and rewarding yourself too for all those times you make it to the finish line with the same shoes on each foot…
You get better all around!
Did I mention being a mompreneur is a lifestyle all in itself? Which also means it requires you to integrate all the different parts of your life into a coherent whole, while making sure everyone’s fed, bathed, dressed and not left behind…
The great thing about going through the hardships of being a mompreneur is that these teach you invaluable tools to manage chaos. This means you get mentally tougher, you execute better, and you learn to discern the priorities from the not-so-important stuff.
Does it all come at once? Certainly not. It’s going to be a long-term trial-and-error type of thing. But in the end, or as you joyfully spring somewhere towards the light at the end of the tunnel, it all becomes clearer. What matters, what does not, and what really needs to go…And that’s the gift!
Our Ask A CPA feature answers to questions frequently asked to CPAs. As a CPA, I love to answer these for our readers. Got a question? Email me at!
Q: I’m a small business owner, and I’m not sure which tax forms I should be using. Can you help?
If you’re a small business owner, especially if you’re new in business, you may be wondering which tax forms to file this year. For a small business that’s not a corporation, there are three major types to consider along with their corresponding tax forms:
If your business type is not registered with the state, then a sole proprietorship is the default. This means that the sole proprietorship pays income taxes through the owner’s personal return. In this case, Schedule C (Profit or Loss for a Small Business)is used.
If your business type is a partnership, then it must consist of several partners and be registered with the state. In this case, an information tax return on Form 1065 is filed. As for individual partners, each one receives a Schedule K-1 reflecting their share of the partnership’s losses and profits.
The last business type for small business owners is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). If the LLC is made up of only one person, it’s a single-member LLC and pays income taxes as a sole proprietorship. If it’s composed of several members, it’s a multiple-member LLC which is taxed as a partnership.
Got other questions? Add them to the comments, or email me at!
Got a hobby?If you do, (and yes, knitting ugly Christmas sweaters or counseling your desperate friends counts), there are actually some serious chances you could be turning those hours spent unwinding into some serious cash…Or at least some pocket money to buy the shoes, hook up your tired feet with a (much needed) pedicure, or pay off those pesky student loans…
Listen, I get it…As career/business/buy gals (and dudes), fitting in anything in addition to work, kids and those pain-in-the-neck loads of laundry is a challenge… Who has time to devour romantic books anymore, when we’re fifty-shades-of-too-busy ? And when we have time, we’d rather spend it watching ratchet TV to give our overworked neurons a break…Ok maybe not everybody, but you know, some of us…
So how do you turn a hobby into actual coins when you have limited time, limited energy, and all kinds of to-do’s on your life laundry list? Because that’s kinda where a lot of us are right now, somewhere between “I-forgot-my-kids’-names” and “I-left-my-keys-in-the-car”(ok, those are extremes, but you get the drift)…
I know I’ve asked myself the question many times over, when it comes to my love for writing. The first time a friend asked me if I monetized my writing, I gave her such a big side eye I thought my eyeballs were going to remain stuck. Did you see the size of my laundry loads? But I later picked myself (and my eyeballs) back up, started looking around and realized that there are indeed a plethora of ways to turn that thing you like to do into extra cash, and even fit in the laundry in between:
Put It On Social Media
Social media has become the single most powerful marketing tool ever made! After all, where else can you freely get to advertise pretty much anything (with some exceptions of course)? If you happen to love knitting ugly Christmas sweaters, why not show them off on Instagram or Facebook? Why not share your expertise in 140 characters or less on Twitter, or through a cool video on YouTube?
Now more than ever, the opportunities to putting yourself out there are endless! Take advantage and experiment with your hobbies on social media. If you’re open to showcasing your work online, this could be a great way to start monetizing the stuff you love to do as well.
Freelance, Baby!
Freelancing is another great way to start earning some coins for those things you enjoy doing! Love to write? Start freelance writing and offer your services to blogs, websites or businesses. Are you into intro decorating? Start freelancing for local clients by offering your services at a discount or even for free to start building a clientele. Are you a fitness buff? Volunteer to teach classes at your local gym, and start asking for money once you’ve proven yourself.
There are many areas in which you can use your talents to freelance for small and large clients. Actually, freelancing has become a way of life for many in the new gig economy. Start small by researching potential clients, or even offering your service for free to build your portfolio.
Blog About It
Yes, there are a gazillion blogs out there…Yet blogs still remain one of the most powerful and most influential ways to share your talents and hobbies. People are hungry for information in all areas, from hunting to scrapbooking. There are virtually no limits to what you can blog about.
So start today, and set up a blog around your hobby, passion or talent. Your biggest advantage, and limit at the same time, is that blogging is a labor of love. You must blog about something you truly enjoy in order to keep up with its demands and the competition. While blogging about a hobby you enjoy may prove fulfilling, making money out of your blog may take some time, so be patient!
Join a Network Marketing Company
There are a number of traditionally-called network marketing companies out there, recruiting for people with a certain passion/interest in their business area. If you’re not inclined to start a blog, or would rather a more structured environment to pursue your hobby, these may be a god alternative.
If you’re a fitness and health addict for instance, numerous companies such as ItWorks and Herbalife for instance, are always expanding their openings for brand ambassadors. These can be great opportunities to share your passion for exercise and healthy living and make some coins in the process.
Become an Affiliate
Whether you decide to share your hobby through blogging, on social media, or through freelancing and other ways, you can actually get affiliated with brands selling products in your area(s) of interest. If you’re active online and on social media, and have a decent following, you can now score some pretty decent deals with companies interested in marketing their products/services to a larger audience.
Look for affiliate opportunities with companies that market products or services related to your passions and interests. Most of these companies offer an affiliate program that you may be able to participate in. You may also sign up with third-parties like Massive Sway or, which may offer affiliate opportunities with brands as well. Then all you have to do is tap into that hobby/talent/passion of yours, and bring in the coins!
Make it and Sell It!
If you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty (literally), then you may look into actually producing selling goods out of your hobby. My friend N. is great at making candles and has started selling them to her close network of friends. You could do the same, and even expand your network to online sites such as Etsy, Craigslist, or Ebay.
This also applies of you’re into virtual goods. Never before has it been easier to sell e-books or other virtual goods than now. Use sites like Amazon, Kobo, or iBooks for instance to sell your work!
Go all out and create a REAL business!
Now this is the ultimate step when you actually go all out and create a REAL business. As in actually filing for a business tax ID, having a business plan ready to go, and picking the business structure of your choice. While it may take time to get to this point, you want to keep it in the back of your mind.
Many entrepreneurs have started by just practicing a hobby or exploring a talent or passion. These have later gone on to become full-fledged, successful businesses. So why not yours?