
Photo credit: survivingdating.com Photo credit: survivingdating.com[/captioagai

Valentine’s Day is rearing its pink candy-assorted head, and there’s a chance Cupid may be out on duty this year again. Yet when it comes to love connections that last (or even make it to the second date), much has been said about career women dating, even marrying, not so career-minded men.

While some men often have a hard time understanding career women, others admittedly prefer them to their homemaking, no less busy and deserving of respect, counterparts. Yet what happens when a career, ambitious woman is involved in a relationship with a man who’s not so much into climbing the corporate ladder, or concerned about any success in the career realm?

A great friend of mine is married to a mechanic who’s great at what he does, but just happens to think work is just that, work. Meanwhile, she’s a thriving journalist making waves in her field. They’ve now been married almost 10 years and going strong. According to my friend, their marriage works because they give each other what the other does not necessarily have. She provides him with the career perspective he would have never fathomed had he not met her, and he takes her away from the stresses of the corporate world. Besides, his job affords him the availability she doesn’t always have to care for the kids when she’s working late or traveling the corners of the world. It works out! Does it mean they never clash because of their differing occupations and jobs? Certainly, but they’ve come to accept and even enjoy their differences.

Other similar couples wouldn’t weather their differences, for obvious reasons, one of them being the woman being the breadwinner. Others still wouldn’t even attempt such a union, for fear it would be doomed from the start. After all, career women are by essence defying some of the most basic societal concepts around the woman being a caretaker first and foremost. And for many, it can be a non-negotiable argument…

What do you think happens when a career woman meets a non career-minded man? Is it doomed for failure from the start, or is it a good balance for both?

The Corporate Sis.