by Solange Lopes | Jul 6, 2018 | Working Mom & Woman Tips
When you’re a busy working woman, cooking healthy and delicious meals can be a challenge. Between running out of work to get home on time, remembering to defrost the meat or fish, and simply having enough time to shop for the right ingredients, it can be downright mission impossible.
As a working woman and mom of two who does not have any particular cooking talent, I know it all too well. However, there are great meal kits now available that can help make weeknights, and even weekend, meals a breeze.
Here are 10 of my favorite meal kits, perfect for the busy working woman in you:

5 dollar meal plan
$5 Meal Plan: For just $5 a month (yes, $5 a month), you can save on weeknight meals. You basically get delicious meal plans with meals costing about $2 a piece. The best part? You get a free 14-day free trial.

Hello Fresh
HelloFresh: You can get pre-measured ingredients to make delicious and healthy recipes right at your door every single week. All you have to do is pick your recipe, order and cook!

Blue Apron
Blue Apron: Get all the ingredients you need, already prepped and measured, to create delicious, chef-worthy recipes at your doorstep. You won’t have to suffer through the same boring weeknights recipes again.

Take Out Kit
TakeOut Kit:Scared that your meal kit will expire before you’ve had a chance to prepare it? These meal kits offer a 2-month self life and can be transported all around the world.

Gobble: Ever wondered how you could make dinner in 15 minutes, minus the hassle and last-minute aggravation? Gobble is a cooking service that allows you to choose your meals from their diverse weekly menus. The chefs at Gobble will do all the heavy lifting, that is chopping, measuring and prepping all the ingredients. Your fresh 15-minute dinner kit will then be sent to your doorstep in a refrigerated box, and voila!

Platejoy: If you’ve ever wanted personalized meal plans and healthy, time-saving recipes to fit your busy working woman lifestyle, this is it! Based on advanced lifestyle quiz, custom meal plans are made for you. You can either have the necessary list of ingredients sent to you via phone or delivered to you for more convenience.

Sun Basket
Sun Basket: If you’ve been looking for a healthy meal kit service that uses organic ingredients, then you’ve found it.SunBasket will help you save money, time and energy, while cooking healthier. It also accommodates Paleo, gluten-free, vegetarian, Lean & Clean, and family plans.

Sakara Nutrition
Sakara nutrition: This service delivers plant-based nutrition as meals, supplements and snacks. Their mission is to use food as medicine through the power of plant-based eating.

Marley Spoon
Marley Spoon: Want to enjoy seasonal ingredients and some delicious Martha Stewart-approved recipes? You can order and let your tastebuds dance every time you receive your prepped meal package.

Home Chef
Home Chef: Want a healthy and delicious meal cooked at home? Give it 30 minutes from your doorstep to a fully-cooked dinner with Home Chef.
What other meal kits would you recommend?
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister.
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by Solange Lopes | Jul 3, 2018 | Career
Being a mompreneur comes with its challenges. Combining the pressures of running a successful business with that of raising kids can seem impossible for many. You never quite sign off of being a mom. When you’re an entrepreneur, clocking out of your business is rarely an option as well. When you add to it the fact that many, if not most moms, have an abbreviated schedule in the summer as kids are out of school, it can even be more challenging. And then, can we talk about the hear, shining sun and lack of motivation as the weather warms up as well?
As a mompreneur myself, I’ve found myself slipping away from my business responsibilities in the summertime. Between organizing kids’ activities, beach days, cookouts and other fun distractions, keeping up with my business responsibilities has been tough. The pressures of enjoying the great weather with the kids, or simply relaxing, were way too great to ignore.
So how do you manage your business effectively in the summer as a mompreneur? How do you still work smart while being present with your family and taking the time to relax? After many weeks of teetering on the edge of complete inactivity and frantic multi-tasking, here are a few pointers I learnt from experience and other mompreneurs about managing our businesses in the summer:
Change your mindset
I’ve found it necessary to change my mindset in the summer in order to be productive and present with my family. Instead of an “I can do it all” type of mindset, I’ve willfully switched to an “I can do it well” one.
What this means is that instead of trying to fit in as much as possible in my schedule, I focus on quality. It also means that I’m taking on fewer projects in the summer, and reduce my client workload on purpose. This allows me to spend more time with family, but also to allocate more quality time to my activities, whether professional or personal.
Automate as much as you can
Automation is any mompreneur’s friend. Remembering to return a client call or pay the mortgage can seem like yet another chore, unless it’s automatically scheduled. Since you’ll have less time to spend on work and other responsibilities, make sure to take your precautions and schedule as much as you can in advance.
For me, it means automating most of my bills, setting auto-responder sequences in my business and automatically scheduling my social media posts. In addition to giving me peace of mind, it also allows me to still be effective in less time yet with as much, if not more impact.
Set reminders
There are a lot of competing priorities when you’re a mompreneur. You may just not have the bandwidth and energy to remember them all. This is why setting reminders for yourself is not just good planning, it’s necessary to keep your business running as smoothly as possible!
I set daily, weekly and monthly reminders of important meetings, events and deliverables to ensure they don’t slip my mind. Additionally, the brain space I can save by doing this is better used cleaning up the mess the kids make.
Target priorities
In the summer more than ever, setting priorities in your business is key. Not everything is going to get done, and that’s ok. This is when you must start thinking in terms of your desired impact and results.
What are the clients that are important for you to service? Which projects are top of mind? Wat tasks are most instrumental and can yield the biggest results in the shortest amount of time?
Take care of yourself
While summer is the proverbial relaxation time, it’s easy to get drowned in a myriad of activities as well, especially as a mompreneur. Faced with an irregular kids’ schedule, lack of motivation and business demands, it can be tempting to overwork yourself to get it all done.
Instead, you should invest some time in your favorite self-care activities. For those of you who like me don’t get much of a summer, enjoy the outdoors and take the opportunity to wind down.
Pick your devils
In other terms, pick your distractions. There are many distractions out there in the summer, especially with kids. Avoiding them all is nearly impossible. Pick the ones that will not ruin your entire productivity or prevent you from having fruitful family time.
Enjoy the process!
Last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy the process. Summertime is a wonderful time to make family memories, so take it easy on yourself, be compassionate with yourself and have fun!
Now your turn: How do you manage your business in the summer as a mompreneur?
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister.
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by Solange Lopes | Jun 28, 2018 | Career
Burnout happens to the best of us. Yes, even the most organized and diligent among working women. While there definitely are slower times during the year, like the month of August when professional and business life seem to come to a standstill, it’s not always the case. There are, on the other hand, times when all professional and personal aspects of life break loose, and we’re left with the pleasant burden to figure it all out.
When it comes to workload and personal responsibilities, peaks and valleys are inevitable. You will go through periods when you feel like there are not enough hours in the day (and you may be through these as we speak). You will also have times when you may feel like you’re not as productive. As a result, we tend to burn out during extremely busy seasons, as we try to get everything done well.
I’ve been a victim of burnout too many times not to know the horrible feeling it leaves you with. Much of it was also self-imposed, which prompted me to look for ways to avoid it. As a working mom, I’ve also realized that it doesn’t just affect me, but pretty much everyone around me. It’s no fun being around a cranky, sleepy, frustrated mom, wife or sister.
Here are a few ways to avoid burnout or face it when it’s already too late:
Set your priorities straight
One of the main reasons why we tend to burn out is that we take on too much. As we fail to set our priorities, whether personal or professional, straight, we often put ourselves in unbearable situations.
Instead, set your own priorities straight, and take some time to understand and define what really matters to you. These are your non-negotiables, or the stuff that you NEED to do. It may be your mandatory department meeting and deliverables, or your gym time in the morning. Whatever it is, don’t just write it down on your to-do list. Schedule it and strategize in order to accomplish it as successfully as you can.
I’ve learnt the hard way not to allow everyone else’s priorities to become mine. Instead, I take some time every day, week and month, to make a list of my minimum requirements. I usually try and tackle these first thing in the morning to ensure that they don’t slip under the radar.
Repeat after me: You can do anything, but you CANNOT do everything! Burnout is also often a consequence of not being willing to delegate some tasks and responsibilities off your plate. As a result, you end up committing to way too much, and not being able to deliver in addition to driving yourself insane in the process.
Don’t hesitate to ask for more support and delegate tasks you may need help with. It may even be worth paying for it so you can focus on important tasks, save your time and energy while avoiding burnout.
Self-care is a priority when it comes to avoiding (and healing) burnout. However, in order for it to be effective, it’s important to turn it into a consistent habit. Do something for yourself each and every day, whether it’s fitting in 30 minutes of exercise or managing to sleep for at least 7 hours a night.
The trick is to include self-care in your calendar as you would any other important commitment, and to stick to it.
Add meaning to what you do
One of the reasons why you may be feeling burnout is that you may not be motivated because you don’t see any meaning in what you do. You may not feel as accomplished as you’d like because you don’t see how you contribute to something bigger. Lacking purpose is one of the ways we can incur significant burnout in our lives.
If it’s the case, then consider taking up a hobby. Sign up as a volunteer as a food bank, or simply commit to helping someone else. Volunteer for a project that excites you, or one that really makes a difference.
Invest in people
Doing it all on your own can feel quite lonely. Instead, decide to invest some of your time and energy on the people around you. Nurturing your relationships is a great use of your time.
Instead of powering through work all the time, consider going to lunch with a co-worker. Organize playdates with friends, and watch the kids play while you chat (and sip on cocktails). The point is to make the time to be with friends and family, and invest in the right relationships for you. Not only will you benefit from the natural networking, but you will also enjoy the simple pleasures of fun company.
Find out what drains you
When was the last time you really paid attention to how you spend your time? If you do so, you’ll find out that you may be engaging in activities that drain you. You end up feeling burnout when you engage in too many activities that drain you.
Find ways to spend time on projects that increase, instead of decreasing, your energy. Get the support you need, delegate some of the chores or tasks that drain you, and start really enjoying the work you do.
Be at peace
Not everything will always be perfect. Actually, very few things, if any, will be. So make peace with the mess, the disorganization and the occasional snafus. Develop your mental strength to accept those things you cannot change, and instead focus on what you can work on making a difference in.
There’s always an option. You can always find another job, ask for a change in schedule, ask for help, and so much more. Things may not change overnight, but your life can look very different next week, month of year. Keep going!
How do you avoid burnout as a busy working woman?
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister.
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by Solange Lopes | Jun 24, 2018 | Career
Welcome to our career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion weekly news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at!
- Business Insider shows us how to be fearless at work and how you can get over your fear;
- The Guardian shares the self-help guide for Black women “Slay In Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible”;
- Don’t have the right degree? Recruiter advises you on getting the job without the degree to back it up;
- Ellevate Network highlights how you can boost your career goals this summer;
- The Muse shares how to get ready for work in 10 minutes;
- Workology tips you off on how to command a room as a woman at work;
- The Glassdoor Blog lists 5 interview questions employers trip you up with;
- Got the travel bug? The Indeed blog recommends 15 careers that satisfy your wanderlust;
- Want to get C-suite buy-in? Read this advice by Forbes;
- Ellevate Network shares how to get press for your business;
- Entrepreneurship can be tough on your mind. Forbes Woman reveals 5 mental health tips for entrepreneurs;
- The Undercover Recruiter answers the question: “How can we promote healthy eating in the workplace?”
- The Corporate Sister tells you how to look professional in the summer as a working mom.
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister
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by Solange Lopes | Jun 23, 2018 | Career
Looking professional as a working woman during the summer months is challenging. I mean, you’re supposed to look put together in the middle of the sweltering heat outside, and as you battle the icy cold of air conditioners blasting inside. Your clothes are supposed to remain immaculate, as you gracefully lodge your freshly manicured toes in elegant open-toed shoes. The reality is that many times, you’re clutching your underarms for fear some unwelcome stress sweat will drown the room, as you’re blotting your face for the umpteenth time before getting mistaken for the corner mirror.
You’ve probably noticed that summertime is also when company and departmental dress codes magically reappear after the winter. It’s because it’s also the time when some pretty interesting, and inappropriate fashion choices, are made in the workplace, from lazy flip-flops to eyebrow-raising tank tops. As a general rule, you may want to check your office dress code, to ensure you’re abiding by the rules.
How to look professional in the heat
Although you certainly don’t wake up like Beyonce (none of us does), there are a few things we can do to actually look professional in the heat:
Hello summer dresses
French Connection Whisper Ruth Sheath Dress – Nordstrom
The easiest and quickest piece of workwear in the summer is the proverbial summer dress. When in doubt, throw one on, which will avoid you the headache of figuring out which pieces to pair together. My favorite dress shapes in the summer are easy sheath dresses, like this fresh French Connection Whisper Ruth sheath number from Nordstrom. I also like fit-and-flare shapes, such as this Elie Tahari fit-and-flare shirt dress from Saks Fifth Avenue. The point is to be comfortable, fresh and still polished.

Elie Tahari fit-and-flare dress
You may want to avoid too short dresses or dresses that are overly revealing. Preferably, you would pair it with a cardigan or light blazer to combat the air conditioning assault inside building (see tip#6).
Pick the right fabrics
The last thing you want as you head in to work is to literally suffocate as you’re trapped in some too-heavy fabric for the weather. Make sure to pick breathable and comfortable fabrics, including cotton, linen and silk.

COS Short-sleeve shirt
Flowy silhouettes also tend to be more comfortable and versatile, especially at work. I love this Cos A-line short-sleeveshirt for its basic simplicity. This Akris Punto Kodak stripe wrap blouse from Saks Fifth Avenue is perfect from the meeting room to the after-hours gathering.

Akris Punto Kodak Stripe Wrap blouse – Saks Fifth Avenue
Pay attention to details
Details are ultimately what make you look polished in any season, but especially so in the summer. As the layers tend to come off in the summer, details such as your nails and even undergarments are more apparent.

Essie Guilty Pleasures nail polish – Dermstore
Keep your manicure and pedicure fresh and polished for a professional look. My favorite nail polish shades for the summer include this Guilty Pleasures cheery shade from Essie,as well as this gorgeous lavender shade from OPI. You also can’t go wrong with clean nude shades like the iconic Christian Louboutin Nudes collection from Nordstrom, or the Burberry Nude pink No. 101 from Net-A-Porter.
In the same vein, make sure your undergarments are supporting and complimenting your figure adequately. The 24/7 Lace Perfect Coverage Bra from Third Love is great to achieve the comfort and support you need at work.

24/7 Lace Perfect Coverage Bra – Photo courtesy: Third Love
Put your right footwear forward
As a general rule, if there is more shoe than foot, you’re probably dressed too casually for the office. When wearing peep-toe pumps or sandals, pick dressy ones that look polished enough. Avoid flip-flops or overly open footwear.

Cole Haan Patent Leather Peep-Toe Wedges – Saks Fifth Avenue
My favorite footwear for the summer is elegant and comfortable wedges, preferably peep-toe style. For work, I like these classic Cole Haan patent leather peep-toe wedges from Saks Fifth Avenue, or these Lucky Brand Jestah beauties from Nordstrom.
Carry some summer essentials with you

Aburatorigami Japanese Blotting Papers – Sephora
The heat definitely makes it necessary to carry some beauty essentials with you, including a small deodorant, blot paper and antiperspirant wipes. My favorites are these Aburatorigami Japanese blotting papers from Sephora, made of natural abaca leaf and gold flakes to absorb excess oil without damaging your make-up.
These IGK charcoal dry shampoo hair blotting tissues, also from Sephora, also come in handy when you don’t have time for more frequent shampoos in the summer. While you’re at it, grab these Dermadoctor Med E Tate antiperspirant wipes from JC Penneyas well, and this Fresh sugar roll-on deodorant anti-perspirant from Nordstrom.
Mind Your Layers

J. Crew Factory Cardigan
I’m still not sure why the air conditioners are set to blast arctic air inside when the temperatures rise outside. The point is, it’s always recommended to plan for layers in the summer. This may mean carrying along a light blazer or cardigan that you can quickly throw on in the office, and take off when you step outside.
One of my favorite is the cotton, three-quarter Clare cardigan from J. Crew Factory. I also love floral cardigans such as this Karen Scott printed number from Macy’s.
Work your do
As a curly girl, summer is one of my least favorite “hair seasons.” Between excessive frizz and rebellious edges, it can be hard to keep a professional hairstyle all day long. I’ve found that it takes the right products to keep your locks in place and look the part.

Cantu natural coconut curling cream – Sally Beauty
My go-to’s to tame your curls into professional and elegant looks are the Cantu leave-in conditioner from Sally Beauty, as well as the Cantu coconut curling cream, also available at Sally Beauty.
Over to you: how do you manage to look professional in the summer months?
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister.
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