3 Rules of Netiquette or Online Etiquette when Working Remotely with Working Moms

3 Rules of Netiquette or Online Etiquette when Working Remotely with Working Moms

Working online as a working mom presents many complex challenges. While someone working on their own at home has to follow basic rules on online etiquette, for working moms performing their professional responsibilities remotely online, there are many other additional factors to consider. 

As a working mom, I have to take into account my family’s schedule, as well as my caregiving responsibilities, when performing my professional duties remotely. This includes taking into account my kids being home to build my schedule and hold meetings, incorporate my caregiving and household duties into my daily to-do’s, and still perform my work to the best of my ability or even better. These are also factors that may not be taken into consideration by organizations and collaborators when working remotely with working moms. Not only do these online etiquette rules show care and appreciation for the hard work working mothers are providing, but also has the positive impact of increasing, even multiplying, their productivity and loyalty in the long-run…

3 Rules of Netiquette or Online Etiquette when Working Remotely with Working Moms

As such, when working remotely with moms, a few online etiquette considerations may come in handy:

  • Please be respectful of scheduling boundaries

For many moms working remotely from home, scheduling their day is an exercise in sheer endurance and flexibility, which includes kids’ pickups, drop-offs, activities, and other caregiving responsibilities. After all, it’s the reason why so many working moms seek to work from home, so they can actually incorporate their work and family responsibilities into the same schedule. This schedule is also a juggling act, which requires mothers to set strict boundaries to be able to transition from one activity to the other. For instance, scheduling a one-hour meeting at 1:30pm when kids’ school pick-up is at 2:30pm is impractical if you’re a working mom.

Respecting scheduling boundaries is a must when working remotely with working moms, as these boundaries may mean the difference between success and failure on a personal and professional basis. As there is more understanding around this, it will become easier for working moms to work effectively, successfully and with less stress, while still carrying out their caregiving and household-related tasks.

  • As much as possible, avoid last minute meetings

Yes, crisis happen and last-minute meetings may be necessary. However, when not absolutely necessary, these should be avoided if at all possible. For many a working mom, accommodating a last-minute meeting also may mean having to find emergency childcare, which is not always available, or having to incur additional care-related expenses.

When possible, understanding that last-minute meetings may take a whole new, often negative, meaning for working moms, can go a long way.

  • Consider allowing more flexibility in working moms’ remote schedules

As a working mom, I’m often up late finishing up on some tasks, or rising early to get a head -start on the day. Having flexibility when working remotely makes all the difference for working moms, as our schedules are not traditional and may often change on a day-to-day basis, with kids’ illnesses, school closures, and other care-related emergencies. 

This also implies that more flexibility in a working mom’s schedule allows for increased productivity and impact, while helping families continue to function effectively. 

All in all, as organizations and managers, considering the special set of circumstances working moms deal with when working remotely is not just a matter of helping them, but also a matter of multiplying the positive impact and efficiency women bring to the bottom line of companies. Foregoing these would end up costing us all in the long-run…

As working moms, what can organizations do to help you work better remotely?

The Corporate Sis. 

How to care for yourself as a working mom in times of crisis

How to care for yourself as a working mom in times of crisis

As working moms, many, we’re on the front line of caring for loved ones and families in times of crisis, such as the coronavirus pandemic we’re currently facing. This also may mean we may not have much time to care for ourselves, in between handling childcare, homeschooling, remote work, and household chores, among others. Considering many working moms already do not invest enough time in self-care, situations of crisis only worsen things. Many of us feel we don’t have enough time, don’t deserve it, or feel it’s an indulgence we’d feel guilty to take advantage of. 

As a working mom myself, I hesitate to take time for myself for self-care when considering the needs of my own family, especially in times of crisis. When I do, it’s with a lagging sense of guilt that may prevent me from enjoying it altogether. I know many working moms feel the same, and it’s especially prevalent when a crisis occurs. However, it’s important to constantly remind ourselves that our well-being doesn’t only serve us, but serves our families, loved ones and anyone else who may come in contact with us.

How to care for yourself as a working mom in times of crisis

As counter-intuitive as it may sound, prioritizing self-care in times of crisis is crucial for working moms. As we handle so many responsibilities at home and at work, our vulnerability resulting from lack of self-care directly affects those around us. 

Here are a few ways to care for yourself as a working mom in times of crisis:

  • Prioritize your mental health

Periods of crisis tend to heighten our anxiety, worry and sense of despair, along with any tendency we may have to mentally suffer. Any negativity around these, especially through social media, may reinforce it. Our mental health as working moms is put on the test during times of crisis, as we may neglect it to care for others and assume our many responsibilities. Yet, without a healthy mindset, it’s extremely challenging to keep up with raising kids, working, uplifting our families and taking care of our loved ones and households. 

Prioritizing our mental health may mean rising up earlier or taking time out for activities such as praying, meditating, or journaling. It may also be a matter of reaching out to friends and family members, seeking therapy (online therapy is an option), reading or watching your favorite show.

  • Schedule your self-care

In between all our obligations and duties, it may be challenging to find time for self-care, which is why scheduling it is necessary. Adding self-care, whether it’s an exercise session, a therapy appointment (live or online), or just some time to read or relax, can make all the difference.

For working moms, it may mean blocking our calendars to resist the temptation of overworking, and informing our families that we need to care for ourselves.

  • Take breaks from work

In times of crisis, we may be tempted to overwork or give in too much of ourselves to our responsibilities. Scheduling breaks, such as a formal lunch break instead of just eating while working, can go a long way. 

While we may be tempted to work overtime, it’s important to discipline ourselves to take breaks. Using a timer or an electronic reminder to do so can help, as well as setting firm boundaries.

  • Take a break from the kids

Yes, we love our kids, but we also need a break from time to time, even from our most precious loved ones. This may be a matter of having a partner or trusted family member or friend relieve us for a few hours, while we rest and recharge. Or it may be building a family schedule including individual activities for the kids that allows us to have some breathing moments here and there.

It’s also a welcome break for our kids, who can learn to develop their independence. 

  • Ask for help

Last but not least, as brave as we may be, learning to ask for help is an important part of our self-care. Whether it’s asking our partner to support us in a way that truly helps us, requesting assistance at work, or seeking support from professionals such as therapists for instance. 

Overall, periods of crisis should not prevent us from caring for ourselves, even in the most basic way, as working moms. Whether it’s prioritizing our mental health, scheduling self-care activities, taking breaks from work and even our kids and asking for help, self-care during times of challenge should be a priority. 

Double the Burden: On the Heavy Impact of Coronavirus on Working Moms and How to Help

Double the Burden: On the Heavy Impact of Coronavirus on Working Moms and How to Help

As we navigate the Coronavirus crisis quarantined at home, many working moms are under extraordinary pressure to handle multiple priorities at once, including childcare, elderly care, remote work and household chores, in addition to keeping a level head and maintaining some sense of sanity. While many parents are working from home, the burden of care and household chores still traditionally remains on working moms, who also have to add to it the pressure (and obligation) of working remotely. 

For many, if not most working mothers, it means rearranging their schedules to rise even earlier than usual to work, or staying up late to catch up on unfinished business. It also means homeschooling the at least 32.5 million students from kindergarten through 12thgrade, who may be reticent to studying at home, and having the patience to deal with the inevitable meltdowns and tantrums that may come with it. Add to it the piling up of dishes, laundry and household cleaning due to the majority of the family being home at the same time, and overwhelm, frustration and even resentment, may set in. This is without even considering the impact of the anxiety, worry and despair plaguing most of us as we painfully learn to live in a reality that is closer to science-fiction than anything we could have ever imagined…

Double the Burden: On the Heavy Impact of Coronavirus on Working Moms and How to Help

What this also translates into for working mothers, are inescapable health-related mental costs, as the number of hours spent working inside the home on careers and businesses, in addition to childcare and household-related duties, increases, along with stress and anxiety levels. For working moms who do not have the benefit of salaried employment, are seasonal workers, or small business owners, the economic costs are outrageously high, as many, if not most, come to terms with not being able to put food in the table in a matter of days or weeks. Many working moms, single moms in particular, who relied on schools to provide meals to their children, or moms whose children need regular, expensive medication, are now facing dire economic circumstances.

As a working mom myself, I was shocked by the sheer amount of work, both childcare and household-related, in addition to adapting to working remotely in the midst of chaos and homeschooling, I now had to face. As my spouse had to go to work, this also meant dealing with the new situation alone at home. While I’m certainly counting my blessings, I also realized there are millions of working women faced with the same, if not worse, situation. 

I can only imagine what the moms who work part-time performing essential duties that cannot be performed remotely, are going through. Women working part-time represent 2/3 of the population of part-time workers, as reported by the National Women’s Law Center, and are paid less in addition to having less access to benefits. Not to mention the working moms in the healthcare industry, or in other emergency fields like firefighters and public servants, who do not even have the privilege to stay home. 

While this depicts a pretty dreary picture during this already depressing coronavirus crisis, it also reminds us of the importance of building plans and infrastructures that preserve working mothers in the regular course of business and life. The House passed a preliminary aid package including a provision to provide mothers and pregnant women out of a job with food.  

While there should be contingency plans in place to protect everyone, working moms, most of whom in charge of caring for children and elderly, especially in the case of single moms and in many families represent financial, emotional and spiritual pillars, should not be forgotten. 

Here are some ways to help working moms during the coronavirus crisis:

  • Bosses, please be more understanding!

Working from home with kids is HARD. This is why it’s so important that working moms and their managers have honest conversations about work expectations during this time. This is largely uncharted territory, hence the importance of having flexible yet clear expectations, and being able to adapt to change.

  • Use technology to help out

With the quarantine restrictions, it may mean children are expected to have more screen time than usual, with homework and activities being completed online. This also means that some working moms may have to get a computer, or not have enough computers for all their children. If you have a spare computer, consider helping out by sharing with less fortunate families.

Some companies have already started offering Internet streaming services for free, which will be a huge relief for families. Other ways to help include using technology to hold virtual play dates, or send tips and tricks to help working moms via text, email, or on social media

  • Parenting partners, please get on the same page!

In regular times, sharing responsibilities as parenting partners is challenging, with most of the childcare and household duties falling on working moms’ shoulders. If you’re a parenting partner to a working mom, it may mean considering adjusting your schedule to accommodate school closures, work disruptions, layoffs, and other disruptions bound to happen during this time. 

It also may mean opening the lines of communication with your partner to understand what they’re going through, and how best to help, whether it’s operating in shifts, come up with creative alternatives, or just lending a compassionate ear.

  • Just check in and ask how they’re doing

Sometimes, all someone needs is a smile and a word of encouragement. Many working moms are struggling to keep mentally healthy, in addition to their other preoccupations and worries. Just be kind!

  • Offer assistance if you can

Can you spare a roll of toilet paper, some extra money, or just resources on funding (state or federal) and (trustworthy) information you can share? Your contribution can make the difference in someone’s day, so if you find yourself in a situation where you can help, consider doing so.

Overall, working moms are some of the hardest hit through the coronavirus case, economically, physically, and mentally. They also are the pillars of many, if not most families, who may not able to survive without them. As such, the burden to help and assist working mothers is on all of us, and the responsibility to help our common duty. 

As a working mom, what challenges are you facing during the coronavirus crisis? 

The Corporate Sis. 

Sister Friends: On Developing Healthy Friendships with Other Women

Sister Friends: On Developing Healthy Friendships with Other Women

You’re my person”: When Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) uttered the now famously coined phrase to her best friend Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) as she shares her decision to put her name down as an emergency contact for her upcoming abortion, it took on a life of its own, embodying our primal human need for deep, healthy, fulfilling friendships. From Sex and the City to Issa Rae’s Awkward Black Girl, stories of female friendships and girl squads have graced our TV screens and subconscious for decades, confirming that as working women and working moms, our friendships play an important role in our lives. However successful we may be professionally, or even family-wise, friendships with other women hold a sacred place. For many, if not most of us, they are a reminder of our original relationship with our mothers, aunts, sisters and other female pillars of our lives, as well as a reflection of our own self-love. This can make the dynamics of our relationships with our sister friends beautifully complex, uniquely fulfilling, and sometimes, downright frustrating. 

Research has proven that healthy female friendships have countless benefits, from providing mental and spiritual support, to improving breast cancer outcomes. Despite modern research descriving women as “mean girls” (Vaillancourt, 2013), female alliances were originally formed as a means for survival and protection for self and for family(Radtke, 2017), as well as for the transmission of parenting and reproductive knowledge. Additionally, this study by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America confirms women with a strong network of female friends place professionally better than women who don’t.

Sister Friends: On Developing Healthy Friendships with Other Women

However, in the modern era of social media, lacking inter-personal connection, and negative media messages around female friendships, it can be challenging to reap these benefits if, and when, we do not foster and nurture healthy relationships with other women. Healthy relationships based on trust, openness, vulnerability, rather than fear, distrust, and anger. It’s the same fear, distrust and anger that end up being translated into gossip, “mean women”, Queen Bee Syndrome, and exclusion, to cite a few. 

In my own relationships, I’ve had the privilege to experience the beautiful openness, trust, and vulnerability that makes female friendships a unique bond, and also the heart-wrenching fear, betrayal, and distrust that rob us of the empowering impact of these connections. I’ve learnt, and am still learning (and probably always will) from my positive and negative experiences, as well as my mistakes and mishaps, and growing into a better understanding of the sacred bond between women:

  • Friendship is a process:

In the era of instant messages and micro-waved networking, we can be tempted to jump in and out of friendships, without the realization it is a marathon, not a race. It’s a process that requires this one thing we cannot microwave: time. It takes time to know someone, see them act in different contexts, build a history with them. It takes time to face and surmount obstacles, enjoy moments together, and deepen bonds. Without it being a process, a friendship can hardly survive, let alone flourish.

  • A fruitful friendship is a friendship that evolves as both individuals involved evolve as well. 

This is where so many friendships reach an impasse, especially among women, as we often tend to not voice our concerns in relationships. I often hear some people say: “I hope you never change” to their friends, which tends to make me shudder every single time. Not expecting those around us, especially our friends, to evolve and change for the better, is to keep them stuck in the same place for our own convenience and comfort. If you’re my friend, I wish you to evolve, to grow, to change into the best version of yourself, even if your growth requires me to grow as well and challenge myself to meet you at a place that is mutually beneficial. 

A fruitful friendship is one that evolves. Developing healthy friendships requires shedding the fear of evolving, and that of our friends evolving as well. Some of my greatest relationships are friendships that grow as both individuals grow, and as we both discover new facets of ourselves and each other, and engage on a path on continuous, positive, even exhilarating evolution.

  • Don’t be afraid to release what no longer serves.

Developing healthy female friendships also requires leveraging the power of releasing what no longer serves. Very often, we allow history to determine relationships that no longer have a place in our destiny. It’s these same relationships that in turn, prevent us from growing into our full potential and achieve our destiny, as we settle for the comfort of familiarity and ease.

Healthy friendships challenge you, push you to be a better version of yourself, and fulfill you to the brim. They don’t leave you drained, empty or wanting for more, but instead felling supported, valued, cherished, and challenged. If not, it may be time to release them, gently, peacefully, with the understanding that we’re creating more space for relationships that fit us better, for our mutual benefit. 

All in all, developing healthy female friendships is like making an investment in our well-being, health and potential. Yet, it’s also a process of introspection, self-knowledge and character development that requires choosing who can sit at the table of your life and on what terms. In the end, it may be one of the most important processes of your personal and professional life. 

How do you develop healthy female friendships?

The Corporate Sis.

Let it Be Friday!

Let it Be Friday!

Welcome to Let It Be Friday!, where I say hello (and TGIF), and round up the lifestyle, career and business news that inspired, excited, made me smile (or laugh out loud).

  • As we’re honoring Black History Month, we’re also looking forward to the opening of the first National Museum of African-American History this summer in Nashville;
  • Business Insider shares 5 conferences for women of color in tech to help beat gender inequality in the field and how to get a coveted spot ;
  • Got money on your mind? Actress, writer and wearer of many hats Issa Rae reveals to Black Enterprise that multiple streams of income are the key to success;
  • Working Moms, we see you! Working Mother shares with us a heartfelt testimony from Serena Williams about the hardships of working motherhood, and we’re right there with her;
  • Ever cried at work? Inc. explains why it’s ok (We all did it);
  • Afraid of public speaking? Entrepreneur teaches you how to give a presentation like a pro;
  • Tax season is here, and so are email attachment scams as well! Lifehacker tips you on a few tips to avoid the scams;
  • I’ve been trying to eat less meat these days, and Corporette is helping with their 6 easy strategies to go meat-less;
  • We’re ready for Spring, and WhoWhatWear is sharing 8 spring trends that are technically for free;
  • On TCS this week, we’re talking about aging gracefully at work!

Enjoy your weekend!

The Corporate Sis.