Black Working Moms Are Disproportionately Impacted by the Pandemic: 22 Organizations that Can Help.

Black Working Moms Are Disproportionately Impacted by the Pandemic: 22 Organizations that Can Help.

If you are a working mom during this pandemic, you certainly have been brutalized by this pandemic. From the lack of childcare to the exodus of women from the workforce, not to mention the astounding and growing imbalance of weight of household chores, the impact of this national crisis for women are mind-blowing. However, due to systemic inequalities affecting Black women, the latter have suffered compounded consequences of this motherhood pandemic within the larger pandemic we’re faced with. Black working moms are struggling at historical rates, and we cannot remain silent…

According to the April 2020 McKinsey “COVID-19: Investing in Black Lives and Livelihoods” report, African-Americans constitute especially vulnerable populations in the face of the pandemic. Black women in particular have to deal with an exacerbated dual burden both on the home and labor front, compounded with quarantine restrictions, school closures, childcare scarcity and household-related stress. This also increases the risks of domestic violence, as it is reported four in ten black women tend to suffer from domestic violence at the hands of an intimate partner, as compared to three in ten white women. Black women are also more prone to suffering from health issues and be affected by high maternal mortality rates, which has only been exacerbated by the pandemic

While women occupy most of the occupations that have suffered the most from the pandemic, Black women held a disproportionate portion of these jobs. As a result, they also have experienced the most acute unemployment jumps and related gaps. Employment for Black women fell 18.2% for Black women, as compared to 16.7% for white women. In addition, Black and Latina women are most likely to either be the sole breadwinner in their families, or have their partners work outside of the home during the pandemic. Women have lost 1.28 jobs for every job loss by a male, and the recovery is not looking promising either with Black women returning to work 1.5 times slower than their white counterparts. While 71% of white women are reporting having enough income, only 52% of Black women are saying the same.

So how can we help?

Here are 22 organizations helping Black moms and families that can help:

  • National Council of Negro Women: Started in 1935 by Mary McLeod Bethune, this organization reached nearly 4 million Black women and has more than 30 affiliated Black women’s organizations. 
  • The Black Women’s Agenda: This DC-based non-profit started in 1977 is committed to sharing and educating on social, economic and civil liberties affecting Black women.
  • National Association of Colored Women’s Club: This association of women of color is dedicated to uplifting women and families through their focus on community service, scholarship, and education.
  • Black Women’s Playwrights Group: This group supports and promotes Black women playwrights.
  • Black Girls Code: This non-profit organization’s vision is to increase the number of women of color in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). 
  • The Loveland Foundation: This foundation provides therapy and other mental health resources For Black girls and women, and is headed by founded Rachel Cargle. 
  • Sister Love: Sister Love’s mission is to “eradicate the adverse impact of HIV, sexual and reproductive health rights, and justice challenges” facing women. 
  • Black Mamas Matter: Black Mamas Matter is a movement to advance black maternal health.
  • The National Birth Equity Collective: Helping Black children reach their first birthday and reducing the alarming Black maternal mortality rates is the goal of this organization.
  • Black Women’s Roundtable: This organization works to purse public policies to benefit Black women in areas related to health and wellness, education, economic security and empowerment.
  • Black Women’s Blueprint: This social justice organization provides access to resources for Black women to advocate against intersectionality issues.
  • Sista Midwife: Sista Midwife provides a directory of Black midwives and doulas, as research shows Black women using a Black midwife are at lower risk of C-section or preterm birth.
  • Black Women’s Wellness: Centered on empowering Black women through healing, empowerment and advocacy, this organization is based in Los Angeles. 
  • Girl Trek: Girl Trek is a national health movement for Black women to change their lives through walking .
  • The Black Feminist Project: This project uses food and reproductive justice programming to empower Black women and girls. 
  • The Black Youth Project 100: The Black Youth Project fights for freedom and justice for all, more specifically for Black women, girls, and the LGBTQ+ community.
  • National Black Child Development Institute: This institute works with Black children from birth to age 8 to offer them a brighter future through health and wellness education, literacy programs, and college readiness. 

Black working moms are in crisis, and we ought to help. If you would like to add any organization or statistics to this list, please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com.

The Corporate Sister. 

Can You Really be Real at Work? The double-bind of authenticity for Black women in the workplace

Can You Really be Real at Work? The double-bind of authenticity for Black women in the workplace

Authenticity has become quite the buzzword lately. So much revolves around being more authentic, showing up as your “real” self, being more “real”…All you have to do is pop open any social media platform, from Instagram to Facebook, to come face-to-face with some deep, or deeply funny, quote or meme about being more authentic and less “fake”…Needless to say, if you struggle with uncertainty or doubts about your authentic self, this is bound to make you slightly uncomfortable. Even worse, if you happen to be a Black working woman dealing with the double-bind of authenticity in and outside of the workplace, it’s bound to make you stir in place, and possibly tighten your chest a bit. Being “real” is all good and well most of the time, but can you really be “real” at work as a Black professional woman?

I distinctively remember my very first week at my very first “real” job, as a freshly minted new graduate with fresh new credentials, new shoes and a new Ann Taylor blouse (I couldn’t afford the whole suit just yet). While all the new freshly minted recruits introduced themselves, sharing personal stories about their families, dogs and where they were from, I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I would and would not share. I was one of a few Black women in the room. I was born in a beautiful place that happened to be across the Atlantic Ocean. And my name not exactly Jane or John. I was different. And I didn’t know whether I could really be real at work…

If you’re reading this and nodding your head because you went through a similar experience, then you know how challenging being authentic in the workplace can be. Despite it being touted as the ultimate thing to be, it doesn’t come easy for many minorities, especially for Black women at work. 

Related: The Authenticity Struggle: How to beat the fear of being your own woman

According to the 2020 Mc Kinsey Women in the Workplace report, women of color, especially Black women, have been consistently underrepresented in senior management for the sixth year in a row for reasons other than attrition alone. They also face more challenges as they make their way up the corporate ladder, lagging behind for reasons such as lack of support and access to senior leadership, as well as other factors. After Xerox’s ex-CEO Ursula Burns’ exit, Rosalind Brewer is now the only Black woman currently heading a Fortune 500 company in the United States, after taking on the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) on March 15, 2021. Even still, Brewer is only the third Black woman to serve as CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Authentic leadership theory argues when organizational leaders are aware of and act upon their true beliefs, values and strengths, while helping others do the same, they also contribute to higher well-being levels and increased employee performance. While authenticity is hailed as a significant business advantage, contributing to employee well-beingthrough increased job satisfaction, decreased work stress, and stress symptoms, and spurring innovation and creativity,its benefits still largely elude Black women at work. As a matter of fact, sociological research demonstrates tensions between what authenticity truly means in terms of the true self, and social constructions of black authenticity, leading to a “hybridized black authenticity”. As such, Black women are faced with having to juggle multiple ideals of authenticity, struggling with combining “raceless’ and race-specific expectations. Quite the juggle, if you ask me…

So can you really be real at work as a Black woman? It’s a loaded question, and one that begs further exploration at both the personal and organizational level. Above all, what is crucial here is to understand that authenticity for Black women at work is not just a matter of showing up as you are, or even bringing your whole self to work. It’s a matter of walking the tightrope of a hybrid concept and understanding of authenticity that requires us to constantly toggle between what it means to be oneself, and what it means to be a Black woman. Or at least what society has constructed in both scenarios…

Can you really be real as a Black woman at work? Let us know your insights and share your stories in the comments or by emailing us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!

The Corporate Sister. 

Ask a CPA: 2 Simple Ways to Increase Your Net Worth as a Working Woman

Ask a CPA: 2 Simple Ways to Increase Your Net Worth as a Working Woman

Welcome to my “Ask A CPA” feature. This is where the nerdy CPA in me comes out and shares some actionable and practical personal finance, business and accounting tools and tips for working women. Got any business or accounting questions? Send them my way at corporate@thecorporatesister.com.

One of the most prized pieces of advice I’ve ever received is to strive for financial stability and increase as a working woman, regardless of the path I may choose in life. However, it wasn’t until many years later that I truly started considering the importance of this one piece of counsel.

This also seems to be the case for many women, as research data from Earnest shows men’s net worth is nearly double that of women’s. This has given rise to the gender wealth gap, which turns out to be even worse when considering individual racial lines. According to the Center of Global Policy Solutions’ October 2014 Fact Sheet, income inequality, unemployment, retirement security, compounded by the effects of motherhood, are among the factors contributing to this wealth gap. As such, this rampant inequality creates a gap not just among genders, but also in the wealth potential of entire families, communities, countries and by extension the world we live in. Hence the importance of solving a problem that ultimately impacts all of us by helping women in general, and minority women in particular, achieve financial stability and growth by providing them with tools and tips to increase their net worth. 

The concept of net worth is based on the difference between what we, as individuals own, also known as our assets, and what we owe, which are our debts or liabilities. Assets may consist of homes, personal possessions, vehicles, investments. Debts or liabilities may be personal loans, mortgages, credit card loans, and other obligations. The difference between the two results in individuals’ net worth. Tracking one’s net worth over time is an effective way to ensure being on track financially, but also improving one’s financial position by increasing one’s net worth. 

While many increasing one’s net worth is challenging at best, and nearly impossible at worst, especially as life’s obligations and commitments pile up with time, it is actually pretty feasible to do so. If you’re facing this challenge today, and are not sure where to start, here are 2 simple ways to begin the process:

1- Consider your assets:

  • Track your existing assets: Do you really know what you own? When was the last time you made an inventory of your assets? If you have not done it in a while, or have never done it at all, it may be time to start. 
  • Increase your salary: Can you ask for a raise? Are you able to make a calculated professional move that can result in a greater pay? If so, increasing your salary can greatly contribute to boosting your assets and net worth.
  • Diversify your income: Have you been considering adding additional streams of income to your revenue? Are you toying with this dream side hustle you’ve been thinking of for quite some time? How about that business you’ve been wanting to start? Diversifying and multiplying your streams of income is one of the most effective strategies to add a boost to your assets. 
  • Invest in assets that appreciate in value over time: If you’ve been dabbling into investing into stocks, bonds, life insurance, or any other investment vehicle, you are on the right path. Investing in assets that grow in value over time, as opposed to assets that lose value over time such as cars, clothing and other personal possessions, can work wonders for your net worth.

2- What about that debt?

The second part of any strategy to increase your net worth begins with taking a good, hard look at your debts. That’s the part that’s dreaded by most, especially women, who, according to 2021 data by Educationdata.org, unfortunately hold 58% of all student loan debt in the U.S. In addition, this study by the Federal Reserve demonstrates a gender-related credit score gap showing lower credit scores for single women as opposed to their male counterparts, which also accounts for a heavier credit use by single women than single men. Furthermore, the more acute financial effects of divorce on women only worsens these already bleak findings. Hence the importance of making debt handling a priority for women. 

  • Pay off the debt: Can you redirect some of your savings towards paying off debt? Where can you trim your expenses to allocate more funds towards reducing your credit card debt and other liabilities? Can you afford an extra mortgage payment every year? Focusing efforts and finances to paying off debt can go a long way towards increasing your net worth, in addition to eliminating the pressure and stress that comes with it. 
  • Resist the temptation to acquire more debt: A large majority of our environment is geared towards extreme consumerism. From ads on our mobile phones, to open publicity on social media, not to mention the constant pressure to upgrade our products and services, we are most often exposed to the temptation to use credit. The more we can resist this temptation, the less debt we acquire, and the more we can strengthen our net worth.

Are you working at increasing your net worth? Please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com and share your insights and stories with us.

Take care,

The Corporate Sis. 

4 Tips to Leverage Being the Only Black Woman in the Room

4 Tips to Leverage Being the Only Black Woman in the Room

What if I’m the only one in the room?
I used to be petrified to be the only one in the room, the only woman, the only Black woman, the only introverted, the only one with natural hair, etc…It’s a common fear we have as working women, especially as Black women in the workplace. What if it’s just me? Then we may shrink, run away, talk ourselves out of opportunities, or just grow silent…

This is a very acute feeling and reality for Black women at work. According to McKinsey’s 2020 Women in the Workplace report, 49% of Black women at work feel their ethnicity makes it harder for them to get promoted, or obtain a raise, as compared to 3% of white women and 11% of all women.

If you’re asking yourself this question and are just not sure what to do, here are a few tips that can help: 

1- Turn the fear into strength: Being the only one in the room also rhymes with being hyper visible. It’s also having the opportunity to share unique ideas and insights, and benefit from the exposure. Changing perspectives and positioning oneself in a position of strength rather than as a victim can make a world of difference.

2- Identify allies: Resist the temptation to shut people out! There are people out there who will support you and root for you! These are the allies who will give credit to your ideas during meetings, challenge insensitive comments, etc…Identify them and welcome the support!

Related: 10 ways to be an ally to Black women at work

3- Find sponsors: Sponsors will advocate for you and argue on your behalf. Additionally, sponsors who are different from you can actually help you by exposing you to different networks, ideas and insights. Identifying potential sponsors and reaching out to them can prove invaluable in advancing one’s career.

4- Find your tribe: Find people who think like you, through clubs, groups and other associations. Not only is the support necessary, but the networking, mental, and psychological lift of a community can create much needed momentum in one’s career.

Overall, turning the fear of being the only one into strength, identifying potential allies and sponsors, and finding one’s own tribe can not only alleviate the pressure of being the only Black woman in the room, but also create advantages out of a challenging position.

What has been your experience being the “only one in the room”?

The Corporate Sister.

Let it Be Friday : News Roundup

Let it Be Friday : News Roundup

Let it be the Weekend is our news roundup featuring career, business and lifestyle news for working women and moms. If you would like to propose some news or topics we can cover, please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com

  • This week, we salute icon Cicely Tyson’s journey and path as we celebrate her life;
  • Our new girl crush poet Amanda Gorman not only had us inspired at Inauguration, and now she is speaking at the Super Bowl;
  • Motherly shares Auntie Michelle Obama is releasing a kids’ edition of “Becoming”, and we’re here for it;
  • We’re so in agreement with First Lady Dr. Jill Biden who says in PopSugar that we shouldn’t be luck to have a career and raise a family;
  • Work It Daily shares 5 things to know about internships in 2021;
  • Working women are definitely facing a crisis. Fortune lists 5 steps the US government government can take to help;
  • Got a raise? Business Insider shares the smartest thing you can do with your money;
  • What if working moms received a $2,400 stipend for their invisible labor? Scary Mommy shares why the Marshall Plan should be on our radar;
  • The Corporate Sister lists 7 ways to open doors for other women at work;
  • Food52 shares 38 jubilant recipes for Black History Month.

Got other working women and moms news you would like us to share? Please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com

The Corporate Sis.