
7 Apps to Boost Your Productivity at Work During the Holidays If you’ve ever tried working as productively as possible around the holidays, you know how much of a challenge it is. From googling the Christmas menu to wondering which dress will hide those extra 10 pounds from the holidays before, not to mention trying to close those year-end projects that always come with some stinky complications here and there, your mind is continually in overdrive.

There you are, making dish lists on Post-It notes, sending emails to the wrong people, and changing your password for the 12th time in a day.

Well, of course there’s an app for all this mind craziness. Actually, there are 7 apps that can help you turn your unproductive, unprofitable, and unsuccessful day into a productive haven.

  1. 1Password: Imagine never having to remember another password again? Or even better not having to fight with your (short-term)memory to decipher the chicken scratches you’ve printed on some sorry, wrinkled Post-It note? This password app manager gives you access to all your accounts with one single password. And the bonus: it works on computers as well as mobile devices.
  2. HIDEMAN: Working from the corner cafe? You may want to watch for network security, just in case those confidential forecast numbers would be revealed to the entire barista crew. This app helps you create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that encrypts your data for added security.
  3. Quip: For all the times when you create a document in one app, share it with someone else, and then text them to tell them. This app allows you to do all three on the same interface. You can create spreadsheets, documents and lists, share them with others and chat about it all in the same app. Genius huh?
  4. Pocket: Ever found a great article you had to drop the year-end report to read? If you’re a big reader like myself, you know how it can throw your entire productivity off. This app lets you save articles and content you enjoy for later, while you focus on the task at hand and actually do some work. Yes you over there…
  5. Evernote: I often say this is my backup brain. Got a great idea you don’t want to forget, or a sentence that would be perfect for that report you dread submitting to your boss? Save it all on Evernote, along with the last minute gift on sale for your hubby…
  6. Snowball: Phone notifications keep disturbing you as you put the last touches on the year-end audit? This app lets you manage notifications on your phone, and decide which ones are important, and…which ones you could seriously do without. Buh-bye Facebook notifications…
  7. Clear Focus: If the sound of the admin’s voice (or her perfume, or the vibrations of the air vent above, or pretty much anything) distract you, this app is for you. It helps you manage your time by setting uninterrupted chunks of times where you strictly work, and others where you get up and take a break. It follows the Pomodoro time management technique, and helps you track how you spend your time at work.

What other productivity app would you add to the list? Please share with us in the comments.


With Love,
