I’m learning the power of letting go in order to grow in all areas of my life. Work is no exception, especially after experiencing a global health pandemic that taught so many of us to let go of most of what we believed we couldn’t live without. It took me a while to realize that many of the obstacles facing me in my career, actually had less to do with my abilities, than with the baggage I was unconsciously carrying.
So many of us, especially as working women and moms, carry way too much, most of which is not ours to carry and weighs us down along our path. Much of this consists in emotional and relational baggage we often fail to recognize and address for most of our careers. The less we fail to acknowledge this invisible weight holding us back, the more we tend to struggle in the dark, looking for the wrong answers everywhere. So we keep adding to our resume, network, or educational portfolio, instead of considering what we could let go of instead, such as:

1- False and outdated expectations of what and where we should be in our careers and lives
Have you ever read one of those articles entitled “30 things to accomplish in your career before you’re 30” or the likes? Have you ever found yourself feeling like you should be further along in your career, or that you have not accomplished enough? Does the thought of where you should be in your career keep you from getting ahead?
False and outdated expectations about ourselves and where we should be in our work and life can often keep us behind, literally freezing us in place out of disappointment. Until we let go of the expectation that our careers (and lives) should follow a certain timetable, we will miss out on opportunities to give them our all.
2- People and things that don’t support our growth and keep us back
Some people will never support you, and you will live. Some places, institutions and processes will fail you at every turn, and you will also live. Trying to change these is not only a waste of time, but a sure way to remain stuck in an unhealthy cycle of dependency.
3- Negative beliefs and self-talk that keep us stuck
Most of the obstacles standing in our way are literally in our heads. They’re made up of all the negative beliefs and self-talk that haunt us whenever we try to make progress. Identifying these and learning to let go of them is one of the biggest steps we can make towards career fulfillment.
4- Comparison and envy
If you’ve ever looked at someone else’s career with a twinge of envy, wondering why your career is not further along, you know how paralyzing and debilitating that can be. Comparison and envy truly are the thief of joy, at work and in all other areas of life. Every career is unique, and moves at its own pace. Give yours the benefit of the doubt, as well as the time and space to grow at the pace and in a way that reflects your unique purpose.
5- Fear of stepping out of your safe zone
Fear is one of the most potent career killers. It robs us of our self-confidence, creativity, and growth, forcing us continually into familiar, yet un-challenging territory. If you’ve noticed that you’ve been stagnating in your career, chances are fear is controlling your work and preventing you from taking the next step in your professional evolution.
6- The emotional baggage and trauma from past career failures, job losses/betrayals etc
Failure is a necessary teacher. Yet, too often, it also and unfortunately becomes a paralyzing companion, reminding us of our inadequacies and struggles, blocking us from advancing further in our work and purpose. For many working women, the ghosts of career failures past, job losses, betrayals, and other professional mishaps remain stinging reminders that they may just not be enough. Letting go of this negative emotional baggage is the beginning of a more fulfilling and purposeful career.
7– Career guilt
Career guilt is real, especially for working women and moms. Whether it manifests when pursuing different opportunities, challenging the status quo, or achieving success, it tends to rear its ugly head when you get closer to achieving to achieving a professional breakthrough. As such, many working women will choose the safety of societal acceptance over fulfilling their dreams, foregoing their life’s work so as not to be judged harshly or even worse, rejected.
What are you letting go of in your career?
The Corporate Sister