
7 Powerful Mantras for Successful WomenMantra =  a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone’s basic beliefs (Merriam-Webster dictionary)

There are just days when you need a dose of inspiration. You know those days, when you wake up wondering why you haven’t made Senior Manager yet, or if your life was really supposed to go this way…Or why laundry never ever seems to end (I’ve been pondering on this one for quite a while)…Or on Sunday night when Monday morning’s looming near…

I know I do…There’s only so much mascara and blush to keep you pumped up for the day. Because it all starts in your mind, as you decide to push yourself beyond the daily mundane or obstacles in your way. That’s why successful women (and men) adopt mantras to keep them inspired and motivated.

In the words of motivational speaker and author Abiola Abrams, “your mantra is your fight song“. In the midst of all the negative noise and our chronic “busyness”, we now more than ever need to take back our power; which means we must also adopt new ways of thinking. That’s where mantras come in, to help us change or reinforce positive beliefs through empowering words or phrases we make part of our daily lives. 

A few years back, I started realizing that most of the obstacles I was facing were not coming from the outside, but from within. At the time, I was working with a business coach, who started recommending that I write and speak mantras on a daily basis. I have to say it was a struggle at first. Having never questioned some of my most basic (and most limiting) beliefs about myself, learning to believe and say out loud that “I cannot fail“, or that “I am successful“, felt like chocolate cake without chocolate. Weird.

As I faced some of my most potent mindset blocks, I started developing new habits. I looked to successful women around me, and studied their mindsets for success. As a result, here are 7 of my favorite success mantras for successful women:

Success mantra









success mantra








success quote









success mantra








success mantra









Instead of doing what you think the world will validate, do what you love.-2







Change the world! And when you've done that, change it again!-2









What are your favorite success mantras?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.