
7 Hacks to Successfully Get Back to Work After the New YearYou know it, it’s the beginning of January, right after the euphoria (and exhaustion) of the holidays…  Here you are, back at work, staring at your computer screen like a zombie, ready (not quite yet) to tackle another 360 and change days…But really,despite all the “Happy new Year” cheer floating around, the last thing you want to do is the very thing you’re being paid for: work!

Plus if you’ve had a particularly busy holiday season, filled with family and social events (with the addition of large amounts of carbs and sugar), you know rolling out of bed on that first fateful day back at work can be akin to getting a root canal. Minus the soothing elevator music…

So for all of you heading back to the grind  on this (happy) new year, here are 7 hacks you may want to add to your toolbox to get back in the work groove with minimum pain:

Do Something for Yourself

It may sound counter-intuitive not to dive headfirst into the personal and professional obligations of the day, especially at the beginning of the New Year. After all, there’s so much to do, right?

Except if you don’t make time for yourself at the beginning of the day, there are chances you won’t at all…So start with your morning routine, whatever it is, whether it’s exercising, praying, meditating, reading, etc…

You’ll be thankful you did when you log in to your email inbox and notice the hundreds of emails waiting for you, plus the notification you haven’t completed your required training for last year yet…


But first coffee and… a (flexible) plan:

Unless you’ve been diligently checking your emails and putting the last touch on that management report while baking your signature pineapple upside down dessert, you’re most likely getting back to work on day two or three of the year with stuff to catch up on. In many cases, quite a bit of stuff…

So start with coffee (the strong kind) and a plan that works well for you. Depending on your personality, type of work, and your own rhythm, you may decide to structure your day according to the times when you’re most productive.

For a more effective morning, consider ditching email and focusing instead on what you MUST do first. Which brings me to my next hack…


Rank tasks by order of importance, and start with the urgent stuff

What are your must-do tasks of the day? What must absolutely be done today?

Give yourself one to two hours to complete these tasks. Not only will it free your mind, but it will also allow you to let go of that sense of overwhelm that may start creeping in on you.


Check in with your team

Unless you’re working alone, you may have to sync your priorities and to-do’s with your team. This can be accomplished through a quick team huddle or informal meeting.

Share priorities with your teammates and quickly devise ways to more effectively accomplish the team’s most pressing objectives.

Set and manage expectations

Realize that everyone’s coming in at the beginning of the year with their own priorities and to-do’s. Which also means that expectations will be heightened for pretty much everyone around…While you should be aware of your teammates and managers’ expectations, you also have to be realistic about what can and cannot get accomplished.

This will avoid any misunderstandings, while also keeping you from crawling under the desk by lunchtime.


Be open

The start of the year can be rough for everyone, yourself included. There may be changes underway in your department or company, and some people may come in with pre-set agendas already. So be open to fluctuations and changes happening around…

The best way to handle it: receive any new information with an open mind, and give yourself some time to process it before you make a final assessment.


This too shall pass/There’s always tomorrow

At the end of the day, it’s only day two of three of the New Year. There will be a whole 360 and change days ahead…

Which also means that unless the coffee machine breaks (which is a seriously bad omen), it’s not the end of the world. Tasks will get done, deadlines will get met, and life will go on…


What hacks would you add to this list to handle the first day of the New Year back at work?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.