
Back to School: 5 Tips to Manage as A Working ParentAs a working parent, the end of the summer also spells the proverbial “Back to School” double-edged sword. On one hand, you may be extremely excited happy to actually get an “educational daycare” option for your kids. On the other, you also have to contend with getting said kids ready for yet another school year. Which, in other words, also means “back to school” shopping, “back to school” scheduling, and overall “back to school” stress everywhere you look.

I mean, from deciphering the list of required school supplies (what in the world are washable hypoallergenic crayons?), to figuring out how in the world you can turn your late-night movie-watching little monsters into early risers without losing every single strand of hair on your head, it’s a challenge. Never mind adjusting our summer schedules to the school schedule, without scoring the most late tickets ever recorded in the story of said school district.

I would know… “Back to school” time in my house is a lot like “back to craziness” for me. A lot of trial and error, mixed with some honest scheduling mistakes, and we pretty much always end up with some “back to school” catastrophe or another. Like the year we actually dropped off Dear Daughter a day late without her backpack…But I digress…

After quite a few unfortunate, albeit hilarious “back to school” experiences, here are five of the most noteworthy tips I garnered over time:

Start early

 Don’t get caught in the last minute shuffle of “back to school” activities. I used to, and only ended up being immersed in loads of administrative frustration. Instead, start at least a couple of weeks early.

Gather all the information you need, from the important dates to the school supply list. Obtain whatever information you’re missing, and give yourself some time to prepare.


Have a Plan

 Considering the limited amount of time you have as a working parent, have a plan of attack. Instead of going at it in one week-end and despising the process forever, list all your to-do’s and spread them over time. Which also means you must start early (refer to tip #1).


Be willing to be flexible

 As a working parent, combining full-time work and responsibilities with back-to-school to-do’s can stretch you way too thin. To avoid being overwhelmed, plan to ask for a day off, or a more flexible schedule for a limited period of time. This way, you’ll have the time and availability necessary without the stress of impairing your work.


Cut yourself some slack

You’re doing the best you can. Even when purchasing the wrong brand of stencil pad, or forgetting to sign that school form. Give yourself a break throughout the process, it’ll get done eventually.


Enjoy the process

Remember that it’s not just a matter of checking the boxes and crossing out all the to-do’s. It’s also a process to be enjoyed, as you celebrate new milestones for your kids and watch them accomplish and learn new things.

Yes, it can be stressful to get everyone ready, including yourself, while still striving in your career and keeping your sanity. Yet, in the end, it’s all worth it, wrong brand of stencil pad and all.

How are you managing ‘back to school” time as a working parent?

To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.






What other tips do you have to manage your kids going back to school?