
3 rituals you MUST do to start your day in power How would you like to start your day feeling energized, powerful and filled with stamina? Instead of dragging yourself out of bed, barely able to make it through the morning with your usual (massive) intake of caffeine.

I know the feeling…Although I enjoy early mornings, getting up with energy and stamina after two kids, unending laundry and loads of work was a struggle. As much as I set my alarm for 5am, got my clothes ready for the next day and promised to myself I was going to start fresh, the struggle was real. It wasn’t until I started reading about and studying the habits of influential figures I admire, that I started realizing that starting the day in power is more a matter of habit and mindset than actual disposition.

Here are three of the most effective rituals I’ve learnt to decrease the crazy factor in your mornings, increase your mindfulness, and help us all start the day in power:


Quiet Time

When my first business coach recommended I add an additional 15 minutes to my mornings dedicated to just being quiet, I had to chuckle. I barely had enough time to jump out of bed, get the kids ready and manage to look human. Never mind adding more time to my morning craziness schedule!

However, I discovered that spending 10-15 minutes in quiet contemplation does effectively change your day…for the better! Whether you choose to spend it prayng, meditating, or just doing absolutely nothing, is your choice.

Sit quietly somewhere, preferably before everyone else wakes up, and chaos starts, and spend some time with your eyes closed in perfect peace. Let your thoughts wander as they will and surrender to the moment. You’ll notice feeling refreshed, energized and even having more clarity afterwards.



What are you grateful for? Have you thought about actually putting down these things into words every single day?

I have to admit it was a challenge at first, when my coach advised to write down 10-15 things every day that I was grateful for. First, I didn’t think I had the time. Second, what was I going to write? Not that I didn’t have anything to be grateful for, but developing a habit that very few of us have is challenging.

Nevertheless, I started. To my surprise, not only would it make me feel happier, and ever more grateful every day. I also noticed that better things, opportunities and events would also happen. The Law of Attraction defines this as the power of thoughts becoming things. The more you think about what you’re grateful for, the more there is to be grateful for. Now that’s power to start the day…


Write down your goals

Writing down your goals is not just about recording your objectives down somewhere. Most importantly, there’s something almost magical that happens when you put your dreams and goals on paper. Not only does it convince your mind of the possibility for these to come to fruition, it also gives you that extra motivation to accomplish them.

I’ve had as a habit to write down my goals on pieces of paper and carry them around in my wallet. I’ve seen many successful people do so, and I thought it a good idea to try it. Little did I know that after some time, I would dig out the same pieces of paper and update them with this single note: “Goal accomplished”!



In conclusion:

  1. Reserve some quiet time for reflection in the morning
  2. Practice gratitude as you start your day
  3. Write down your goals


What other rituals do you practice to start your day in power?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.