
3 Questions to Ask Yourself At Mid-Year Review TimeThe middle of the year is always a good time to re-evaluate where you stand career-wise. Although it happens in the midst of summer activities, vacation time, and general work slump, when you’d rather be laying on the beach sipping on that margarita, it’s also a good point to stop and re-consider where you are career-wise.

From my own experience, as well as from speaking with fellow corporate sisters (and brothers), there are a lot of questions we can ask ourselves when getting to that mid-point, and starting the second half of the year. There may also be many changes, both in our personal and professional environments, that prompt us to re-consider the goals we set at the onset of the year. And all of this can be quite the complex process…

Yet, despite how busy the summer can get, and how demanding it can be for us to actually sit down and get into the mid-year review process frame of mind, it may be more rewarding than we think in the end.

While I can certainly go on and on about what to check for and think about as you embark on the second half of the year, I’ve tried for my own sake (and sanity) to boil down the process to three basic questions:


Am I On Track?

This is question numero uno to ask yourself at mid-year review time. Where do you stand as related to the goals you had at the beginning of the year? Have you shown improvement, or are you still struggling in some areas?

This question may be a challenging one to face. After all, things happen, plans get changed, and life gets in the mix. After, there’s only so much you can do in about 6 months. Yet, it’s important to stop, take a breather, and assess where you are in your career before getting back up and running again…


If I’m Not On Track, What Do I Need to Stay on Track?

Whether you want it or not, there are areas in your career where you may not be on track. Or areas where you may be doing ok, but you’re suspecting you may not be able to keep up for long. In this case, rather than blaming yourself for what you didn’t get to do, why not proactively ask yourself what you need to do to make it better?

I used to get down on myself at mid-year review time for not being able to reach this or that milestone. In turn, my attitude would affect the rest of my year, and hinder the performance I could have had for the next six months. Don’t make this mistake! Your mid-year career assessment is a tool to finish the year successfully, so use it to your advantage!

Do you need more support to stay or get back on track? Do you need more time? Or do you need to re-allocate some resources to allow you to reach your objectives? Take an honest assessment of where you stand, and what you really require to move ahead.

You may find that you must re-adjust your strategy, change your thinking, or correct some past mistakes. Yet all in all, assessing what you (and others) need to do to allow you to cross that finish line at year-end is a priority.


Do your goals need some adjusting?

Do you need to adjust some of your goals? Or do you feel comfortable with your current progress? Do you need to aim higher, or dial down your ambitions a bit? Is your goal even still relevant?

Your department, or even company at large, may have shifted strategies in the course of the year. For you, this may mean that the goals you started out with need to be re-evaluated along the way. Or it could be that a new opportunity presents itself, and you may have to re-align your goals not to let it pass you by. Remember to be flexible when necessary!


How do you assess your progress at mid-year?



To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.