Photo: fullplatenofork.com

Photo: fullplatenofork.com

That’s it, 2015 is here, new year, new (mostly failed) resolutions, and unless you’ve secured yourself your dream job for the New Year, you’re back, or getting ready to be back, at no less than…your old job! Same ol’ (untidy) desk, unfinished projects, and great expectations… For some, starting the new year fresh starts with their mindset, for others, much of a greater and bigger change is needed…

Yet for most of us, our daily circumstances, the “daily grind” as we like to call it, does not change much from December 31st at 11:59pm to January 1st at 12:01am. Actually, some think the so-called “New Year resolutions” can actually do you more harm than good, while others would argue the whole concept, unlike its name indicates, is simply outdated. While I don’t necessarily believe in resolutions or decisions that are simply spurred by a new calendar date, I happen to believe, on the other hand, that we all have the capacity to start fresh in the midst of old, and at times, undesirable circumstances:

1. Love the job you have now (at least enjoy one good thing!): Penelope Trunk said it right when she said in order to enjoy your current job, you have to focus on one thing! It’s jut like anything else, if you start putting all your eggs in one basket and overly thinking every matter, you’re bound to end up mad, with a nice headache to top it all off. Just like you’d have to pick between your thighs and your smile to keep from re-thinking your gym habits, when it comes to your job and career, put the focus on one thing. Whether it’s the flexibility, the team spirit, or the opportunities for learning or travel, pick one good thing, let it simmer and catch yourself smiling!

2. Commit to growing where you are! You may not have the power to alter your circumstances right now, whether it’s finding a new great job close to home with added flexibility (or making your boss magically disappear on Monday morning), yet you can work on you! Make a plan, an actual, pen and paper in hand, plan to learn and grow! Take that new certification, improve on a skill, look for opportunities outside of your company, etc. Decide to add something to your skill set every quarter, and get to work!

3. Start with a clean slate! Before adding too much to your slate this year, clean up what’s there first! Feelings of inadequacy, lingering sense of failure or lack of confidence, all of that excess garbage weighing your career down has got to go! Think of ways to feel better about your performance and leave behind the failures and misses of the last year. Forgive yourself for what you think you did not accomplish, toss the “what-if’s”, take a deep breath and start over!

How are you starting fresh this year at work?

The Corporate Sis.