
As busy working moms, we are often our worst critics. In addition to the weight we already carry as caretakers and caregivers, we have to add to it the responsibilities that come with careers and businesses. All of this often translates into negative self-talk, or even blatant criticism from the outside world. As a working mom myself, I’m certainly not immune to it. I’ve also found over time that one of the best ways to counteract this is through positive daily affirmations.

I discovered the power of positive affirmations when I first started struggling with juggling career and family. As many other working moms, dealing with the ups and downs of being a parent, in addition to work, home and relationships, triggered many of my already present insecurities. Was I a good mom? What if I didn’t cook every day? Was I missing out on my kids’ growth by being at work? All these questions, and then some, rattled my mind day in and day out. That’s when I started using affirmations to stop myself from beating myself down, and instead empower, encourage and motivate myself more.

Whether on my way to work  (especially when I am late dropping off the kids, yet again!), in traffic, or in the middle of a tantrum episode under my breath, I like to repeat these as a way of pumping myself up. There’s something about telling yourself a different, more positive and uplifting story about yourself that elevates your mindset and improves your outcomes. Here are 10 of my favorite daily positive affirmations for busy working moms:

  • I am enough! 
  • All is well and everything is working out for my ultimate good.
  • I am doing the best I can at all times.
  • I accept myself as I am.
  • I am the best mother for my children that I can be.
  • I trust myself and my intuition to be the best mother and woman I can be.
  • I choose to practice self-care so I can be the best mom I can be.
I choose to practice self-care so I can be the best mom I can be.
  • I am strong, powerful and unstoppable.
  • I am becoming the best version of myself every day.
	I am becoming the best version of myself every day.
  • I deserve love, respect and affection.

What are your favorite positive affirmations for working moms? Please share with us.

The Corporate Sis.