
10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass WomenBeing productive, especially as working women, is always a challenge. No matter how motivated you may be, accomplishing your goals and objectives as efficiently and productively as possible is rarely an easy feat. You may have discipline and great habits already in place. However, without the motivation to take you from planning to execution, there is no hack or tool that can help you muster the productivity you need.

In order to keep yourself motivated, you need to be inspired. This is one of the reasons why I love motivational quotes, as I can take them with me anywhere on the slowest day or week to keep me going. When these quotes are coming from women whose work I particularly admire, they’re even more impactful. These women have mastered the art of being productive through their careers, businesses and art, and have opened the doors for the rest of us to strike our own marks.

Here are 10 motivational quotes on productivity from kickass women like you to get you pumped as you tackle your goals and objectives:


  • And at work I have a rule that you’re not allowed to come into my office unless you’re coming into my office with a solution to a problem, and not (only) with a problem.” – Shonda Rhimes

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women


  • “I’ve accepted my procrastination as part of who I am. As such, I do designate days where I allow time for procrastination.” – Issa Rae

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “I build in 15-minute breaks so that I can take some quiet time and close on one meeting before I go to the next. I’m a big believer in taking time to pause and reflect, particularly when you’re working on some of the big challenges in the world.” – Melinda Gates

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “After I had Malia, I began to prioritize exercise because I realized that my happiness is tied to how I feel about myself. I want my girls to see a mother who takes care of herself, even if that means I have to get up at 4:30 so I can do a workout. …” – Michelle Obama

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women


  • “I really try to ask myself the question of nine. Will this matter in nine minutes, nine hours, nine days, nine weeks, nine months or nine years? If it will truly matter for all of those, pay attention to it.” – Whitney Wolfe , CEO of BumBle


10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “Protect the time and space in which you write. Keep everybody away from it, even the people who are most important to you.” – Zadie Smith

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “I don’t listen to anything while I work — I prefer silence in order to be most productive, but I do occasionally steal away for a few minutes to meditate and get refocused”. – Katia Beauchamp, CEO of Birchbox

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “One, I have to realize that I’m not in control of everything, but I am in control of some things, and I am in control of my reactions. I am in control to my responses to pressure.” – Janelle Monae


10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “Perfection is the death of all good things, perfection is the death of pleasure, it’s the death of productivity, it’s the death of efficiency, it’s the death of joy.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

  • “Be curious, don’t retire, and keep very active. Never stop working at something”. – Martha Stewart

10 Best Quotes on Productivity from Kickass Women

What other productivity quotes for kickass working women would you add to this list?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.