Welcome to the Corporate Jungle!

Welcome to the Corporate Jungle!

So there, you’ve made it through 4 years of grueling college courses, mid-terms, finals, and all the academic gymnastics that went into granting you that coveted degree! Now it’s all behind you, and there you are, proudly announcing to your entire family and friends that not only did you ace that interview, but you also scored that big corporate gig right out of college! Or maybe you’re just transitioning into the corporate world, after a series of smaller gigs…Or you could have just stepped away from the entrepreneurial path, opting for the safety of stable earnings, a retirement fund and health insurance

In any case, there you are, sitting in your corporate cubicle on day one of your corporate journey…You knew this was going to be a challenge, and truthfully, you are quite excited about it…As you look around, you realize that apart from the lobby receptionist who took you up the elevator, the janitor you met cleaning the ladies’ room, there may be a couple, if that, of people who look like you…And right then and there, you start realizing that this is not just going to be a professional experience, but also a personal, psychological and emotional journey…

In this corporate jungle, you’ll come to see that there are many animals, some stranger than others, and some more familiar than you may think. Yet what you’ll also come to find out, is that you are truly one of a kind, your very own species, your own kind of animal whose journey will be as unique, empowering and inspiring as it is rare…

Welcome to the Corporate Jungle…

7 Steps to Plan Your Exit From Big Corporate

7 Steps to Plan Your Exit From Big Corporate

7 Steps to Plan Your Exit from Big Corporate So it just hits you one day…After years in Big Corporate, doing the 9-to-5 thing, you’re finally ready to make the big JUMP into full-time entrepreneurship. Maybe up until now, you’ve been doing the side hustle thing here and there to lay the groundwork. But now, the anticipation is killing you, literally, and all you can think about is that fateful day when you can walk out the doors of Big Corporate, take a breath of fresh freedom air, and go on about your business, literally…


If you’re smiling as you’re reading this, you may be one of the thousands of other corporate sisters planning to exit Cubicle World and strike out on your own….Except (screeching halt noise here), even if you decide to ditch plan B, you still need some form of a plan for your corporate exit. You know, something that lets you sleep at night and doesn’t have you hitting up your folks for yet another loan to make the mortgage this month…

I mean, if there’s anything that’s as scary and exciting as striking out on your own after years or decades of comfortable cubicle dwelling, it’s got to be related to fried ice cream rolled in sea salt caramel ice cream…You may need double layers of super-strong Dove anti-perspiring deodorant to make the move, but when it’s time, you know it’s time…

So if you’re just starting out on your Big Corporate Exit adventure, here are a few simple, straightforward steps you can start taking today to land on your entrepreneurial behind (and legs and elbows and side rolls) with as few bruises as possible:

You’ve got to know your “WHY” inside out!


You won’t know whether going full-time to build your business will work (or be the flop of the decade). And no one can really blame you for that, that’s why it’s called a risk…But the very first thing you want to know as you’re lining your personal ducks in a row is WHY you’re even doing all this…

Is it desire for freedom? Is it because of this strong sense of Purpose that’s been egging you on for years now? Is it because you want to offer your kids a better shot at life and opportunities? Or a big giant combo of all the above, plus the all-consuming urge to share your vision and message with the world?

Whatever it is, you’ve got to be crystal clear about it! Sit with yourself every day, and write down your WHY, as long and cumbersome as the process may first appear to be. The point is to build this conviction so strongly within you that it becomes virtually unbreakable….And gives you the strength and motivation to go for it, all in!

Is Your Idea/Business/Desire Viable/Sustainable/Going to Help You Make Rent?


As in, is the whole thing sustainable, i.e. does it have earning potential? In other words, can your business not only help you make rent, but actually turn a profit?

This is where you get out of Entrepreneurship Lalaland and actually look at reality right in the face. And start putting some numbers down on paper…

There are some important questions to ask yourself here:

  • How will this make you money, i.e. what are you going to sell?
  • Do you have a product/service and how much can you sell it for?
  • Do you plan on creating products/services and how much revenue can they bring you?
  • How much will you need to invest in your business periodically?
  • What streams of income will you have?
  • What will your strategy be?
  • How will your organize your business?
  • What does your market look like, i.e. who are your competitors, is there even demand for your products/services, etc?
  • Etc….

All of these questions, and more, will help you put together a business plan, which is just another fancy term for your business GPS/roadmap for the next 3-5 years. The U.S. Small Business Administration has a great tool to guide you through creating your business plan.  

What that will do for you is give you a clearer picture of where you’re dipping your pretty Louboutins in… Plus give you a serious reality check, so hold on to your open-toed Zanottis…

Got a Financial Plan?


No one likes to be broke, ok? Which also means as you’re planning your heroic escape from Office Land, you need to secure yourself some coins in the meantime. You know, just in case your business doesn’t break the million-dollar finish line the first year…

But more seriously, a BIG part of your Big Corporate Exit plan is to avoid starvation and plain financial distress. So if you haven’t started just yet, it may be time to push on the Savings pedal, and make sure you have 9 months to a year worth of business expenses saved up. Ambitious? Yes, and so are you…

Remember that going from the security of a periodic paycheck to your own revenues and profits is not an exact science. You may have some great months, and some not so great months…You may have to re-invest in your business, or face unexpected expenses…So you want a cushion that lets you skip out on stress acne and all kinds of other premature aging signs….

Round Up Your Support System


I don’t care how independent you are, you’re going to need some support. Let me repeat this again, more for myself than you: You’re going to need some support! Whether it’s emotional, spiritual, financial, or just someone to give you a hug and tell you you’re not actually making the biggest mistake of your life (which you’re not)…

Many entrepreneurs, especially women, forget this major part of building a business. It’s hard work, on top of everything you may already have on your plate. So rally your girlfriends, call your mama, hug your kids, whisper tender sweet words to your goldfish, rely on the support system you already have or start building it.

It doesn’t mean your bestie has to buy all your facial products, or subscribe to your daily podcast. But what it means is that when you’re hustling and doing your thing and going through Entrepreneur Jungle, you’re not all alone. And that counts…a lot….

Get Mentally Ready


Mental toughness is par for the course. As much as you may have detested your informal meeting sessions on the daily at work, facing the pressure of being in business for yourself is a challenge.

So get your mental nerves/weapons/armor in place early on. Whether it’s developing a daily meditation practice, or getting a mentor, or even making exercise an integral part of  your routine, start planning for ways to stay on top of the head game.

You’re in this to win, and winning starts in your mind. So get started…

Make Education a Priority


Jumping in to your business means holding yourself accountable for what you know, and how you apply it in your organization. Which also means learning continuously, especially as you prepare to jump ship from Corporate.

Actually, there is no better time to learn about being an entrepreneur than while you’re still in Corporate. Use this time to learn more about management, leadership, as well as the tools you’ll need to strive on your own. If your business is related to your current job, now is the time to absorb as much training as possible. In any case, take every opportunity currently offered by your day job to educate yourself (within allowable and ethical limits, of course).

Put a Ring Date on It


There’s no better motivator for action than a deadline! When you know you’ve got to get it done by a certain date, something just shifts in and around you to make it happen! The same applies to your Big Corporate exit plan!

After careful planning and preparation, or actually while you’re still planning and preparing, set a date for your glorious exit! Don’t just set it, but commit to it whole-heartedly. Once you do this, organize your deliverables, to-do’s and action steps around it.

Are you Ready to Start Your Big Corporate Exit Plan?

To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.

10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Corporate Self

Photo: blackhairinformation.com

Photo: blackhairinformation.com

If I could take back some of my college antics way back in the day (I’ll refrain from providing details), I so would. And if I could have an unadulterated, honest one-on-one with my younger, more vibrant, corporate self, I’d have a thing or two to say too…

We’ve all done or thought things we’re not exactly proud about, at one point or another in our careers. I distinctly remember sporting way-too-high stilettos, saying exactly what I thought (hello political correctedness), and treating the very concept of punctuality worse than my most resilient plants. And since I can’t exactly go back and fix it all (neither do I want to revisit my heavy eyeliner and lip pencil days), here are 10 things I’d happily tell my younger corporate self to skip at work:

1. Skip the “entitlement” seat! It’s easy to get out of college, all fresh and full of head knowledge, new suits and shiny shoes, and think we know it all. As much as I hate to give the millenial “entitlement” talk any more ammo, I’d nevertheless advise you, my younger, cooler, self, to take it easy. You’ll soon realize all you know is you don’t know all that much…

2. Life isn’t fair, and neither is work! This ain’t the United Nations of Fairness, and not everyone is going to like your savvy, educated self. Let me rephrase that, it’s going to suck, and some days, it’s going to suck even more! You may work late, miss a promotion (or two), be slighted or ignored, or even told where to go…Yet it’s not the end of the world, and you may smile about it fondly when you finally make partner…

3. Don’t talk about it, be about it! You’re going to have to prove yourself, especially as a woman, and even more as a minority woman. Don’t overpromise, over-deliver! Bring your best, all day, every day, no slacking allowed…

4. You’re not here to make friends! Stop worrying about who likes you and who doesn’t! You may be able to ride on the popularity contest thing for a while, but ultimately, it’s about work! Work is your friend here…

5. You can’t avoid the political BS! Don’t fool yourself, there is political BS behind every single cubicle! Get used to it, even better, learn the art of it! It’s not about being dishonest and conniving, it’s about being savvy enough to navigate the corporate world! So toughen up and bite back…

6. Do not tolerate disrespect! I learned a bit too late keeping quiet and accepting disrespect kills you inside. Stand up for yourself, no job is worth the psychological damage. Besides, you will get more respect for yourself this way…

7.You’re not going to make it alone! Yes, you are smart, very smart! You may have all the credentials and some, experience to boot, and even more flair than the next gal! Yet you’ll do better with people and support than all alone…So find your own way of networking, get yourself a mentor, and get the support you need!

8. Be real! As much as you may have to be aware of the political BS (please see item 5), don’t let it sway you from telling, and living your truth! Integrity matters!

9. Relax…but not too much! Yes, the corporate jungle is not exactly the most relaxing place. Yet don’t allow stress, worry and anxiety to take over your life. Relax, take a deep breath, it will all work out in the end…but please, hand in your monthly report by the deadline!

10. Failure is OK! Last but not least, get comfortable with failure! It’s not always going to work out, actually, it may only work out a few times! And that’s ok, because that’s how you learn, and improve, and find your way in the midst of the mess. Chill out, it’s alright…

What would you tell your younger corporate self?

The Corporate Sis.

Why Corporate Failure is Perfection’s Best Antidote

Corporate failure - ashy2classy.com

Corporate failure – ashy2classy.com

My mother tells me that even as a baby, I would categorically refuse to eat if the food was not given to me a certain way. In school, I was the kid who cried when I got less than a perfect grade. I would rip up my calligraphy homework sheet if one of the letters had a slight imperfection. Today, I catch myself telling my own daughter that her homework  must be perfect. I am a perfectionist in remission in a world where perfection is more a liability than an asset, and boy has it cost me…and paid off too…

Fast forward a few decades, and as I came to learn in the corporate world, outstanding grades and perfectionist expectations do not make the cut. Actually, they set you back quite a bit…In the fast-paced world of corporations, the ins and outs of career success are not elaborate dissertations on the human condition, or elevated, philosophical hopes of super-human achievement. In other words, between the Bentley and the Chevy, and despite all its glamorized outward appearance, the corporate world is really more the Chevy than the Bentley…And for the perfectionist at heart, it spells nothing else but…failure, good, grand, inspiring FAILURE! And that may just be the best thing that can happen to us…

I believe everyone should experience the corporate world, scramble in the urgency of business, build the Legos of professional relationships, understand how at the end of the day, the bottom line matters, all the while learning to climb an elusive corporate ladder on your hands and knees. And most importantly, learn to fail in a world where you are forgotten as soon as your reputation is tarnished, and replaced when you are no longer of any use, like…the real world…

Corporate failure will disappoint you as a perfectionist, ideals-filled, morally conscious professional. Yet it will build you up, train you hard, and strengthen every intellectual and moral muscle you ever thought you had. There’s a reason why it’s called the corporate jungle, and there’s a reason why for many it has been one of the most important rites of passage in their lives and careers.

It is the best antidote for the debilitating side of Perfection, one of the harshest and strongest remedies for anyone wanting to learn what success in the real world is like. No wonder it’s called the corporate jungle…

So you over there, yes you the Perfectionist with the Ivy league degree, the insanely high IQ and high morals and standards, you are going to fail…and you are going to get up, dust yourself off, learn to ride that Chevy hard and strong, until it’s time to get behind the Bentley’s wheel…Ready?

The Corporate Sister.

Networking and the Corporate Sister: the 360 Degree Approach

Black woman networking - Photo: madamenoire.com

Black woman networking – Photo: madamenoire.com

Our dear reader “The Girl” asked us about networking tips for the corporate sister, and in response to her question and just in time for a new year hopefully filled with great networking prospects, we’ve concocted our very own 360 degree approach to networking for the corporate sister. As corporate sisters faced with some unique challenges we encounter on a day-to-day basis, we’ve found that we also do need a tailored approach to networking. Not that the general networking wisdom is not enough, but we do believe that a little twist to conventional wisdom does not hurt…If anything, it might actually give us a competitive advantage by helping us capitalize on what makes us unique and building effective, long-lasting connections with our network:

  • Every opportunity is a network opportunity! This is one of the most valuable lessons taught to us by many a corporate sister out there. Don’t wait for the right time, opportunity or setting to network. While the corporate jungle may be a hostile setting at times, it also rewards those who seize the moment! Stuck in an elevator with the big boss? Accidentally bumped into the CEO at the office holiday party? Or even in the process of washing your hands in the ladies’ room alongside the District Manager? Seize the opportunity and introduce yourself, right then and there. Forget about hierarchy, “political correctedness” or the fact that you’re having a not-so-good hair day. You don’t know when such an opportunity to network with someone who could potentially be influential to your career will present itself again, so just go for it!
  • Every person is a networking opportunity! Gone are the days when you tried to get close to the bosses to work your way up the corporate ladder. In the era of lateral moves, corporate reorganizations and non-traditional careers (even within corporations), an increasing number of people within the organization may prove to be influential in your career. While these may certainly include your direct supervisors and managers, they also can (and should) include people in lateral departments of the organization who can provide information on other career avenues, place a word in for us, or even be informal mentors to our careers. Even outside of the organization, giant networks such as Linked In for instance also offer the opportunity to connect with a wide array of professionals in a wide array of fields and disciplines, each of which could possibly be an invaluable resource in our careers.
  • What makes you YOU? I once asked a dear big corporate sister of mine what the REAL secret of successful networking is. When she responded “YOU”, I smiled and asked again “Seriously, what is it?”. Turns out, she was correct…Through our years in corporate, we start learning that cultivating yourself and your own unique talents is really what sets us apart from the crowd. It’s our competitive advantage! Whether it’s your ability to provide solutions to existing problems, or your talents at managing projects under pressure, or even the precious gift of bringing people and ideas together, one of the first questions to ask yourself when ready to network is this: “What makes me ME?”, and capitalize on your strengths to build strong connections.
  • Reach out and build a connection! As we found out through our careers, professional networking is not easy! Neither is it for the faint of hearts. As profitable and even enjoyable as the process may turn out to be, it also requires quite a bit of time, investment and willingness to reach out and build our own networks. You will find that as some connections occur naturally throughout your career, others have to be initiated, worked on, and maintained with a certain amount of effort and consistency. And it’s up to us to reach across the table many a times, find some common ground and build up from there.
  • Run with it! Last but not least, successful networking requires ongoing upkeep. It’s one thing to build a solid network, it’s another one to maintain it. Networks such as Linked In allow us to do so by being connected most of the time. Other more informal, traditional networks require more follow-up effort, and a genuine commitment to cultivate professional relationships in and outside of the corporate environment. So whether it is through a yearly holiday card, an occasional check-in email, or even just frequently updating your Linked In profile, once you’ve put out the time and effort to build these professional connections, run with it and keep them for life! You never know when you might receive a call for a great position or opportunity just because your holiday card reminded someone of how great a professional you are…

What are you thoughts on networking?

The Corporate Sister.