This is our weekly career and lifestyle news update, where we round up exciting news of the last week and we let you have it…ahem, news-wise that is…
Think of it as your career gossiping section on steroids…
And while you’re at it, follow us on Facebook, Twitter,IG, and Pinterest!
Here we go…
- Want to maximize your leadership skills? Ellevate Network tips you off on 5 ways women can maximize their leadership skills.
- Don’t wanna pay for grad school? Well, The Muse lists 24 courses taught online by Ivy Lague professors for…free! And you can start, like…now!
- Speaking of grad school, Business Insider lists the 50 best business schools in the world (and no, Harvard is not #1)
- Tired of waiting time in meetings? You can use this free tool from Microsoft to see if you’re wasting time in meeting (right before you go drown yourself in a tub of coffee…)
- Need to make flexible work arrangements? This is what every employee should know about flexible work
- If you’ve ever dealt with the office’s lazy guy/gal who spends the day updating their Facebook status, here are 5 things you can do to get them to snap out of it (without having to throw anything at them)
- Scared of being stuck with the wrong mentor? Here’s how to avoid it and have a positive, fulfilling mentor-menthe relationship
- Worried about bringing your beat up sneakers to work? Corporette offers a few stylish alternatives
- Think you can’t get your fitness on at work? Well, think again…Careerealism shows you 6 sneaky ways to exercise at work (#3 is my go-to)
- Yes, you can keep your Facebook friends! Apparently, they’re more likely to get you a job than your real-life friends…
The Corporate Sis