

Happy Wednesday!
Yesss, it’s Hump-Day, almost there….As minority corporate sisters, and married moms, many are the stereotypes and labels we face. From work to the mall, the looks towards minority women carry some of the same popular labels we are used to facing in the media, at the supermarket, or around our cubicles. Labels such as “unmarried”, “single mom”, “welfare”…etc.
After having my children and accepting a new position, I constantly felt the need to justify myself. To legitimize what was already legitimate. To make sure everyone knew I was married, and not a single mom. That I would be able to travel and fulfill my job responsibilities just like any other professional, if not better?
For many a corporate sister, being a minority, a mom and a professional is a tough balance to maintain as it is, without adding to it the societal, economic and at times even political pressures of our complex identities.
I remember the raised eyebrows, some in sheer disbelief, others in pure wonder, when I mentioned how gifted my daughter is in piano. Or how my husband and I strive for our kids to attend private school. Or how we have yet to experience any shootings in my neighborhood.
And as much as we want to tell our stories, and sound off in order to dispel myths and stereotypes even within our own communities, at times even the most vocal among us tire of justifying what shouldn’t require justification.
Yes, defying stereotypes and crusading against wrong labels is certainly worth the effort for the good of all…but some days, I just want to do my job well, go home and chill out, just like everyone else…
Just sayin’…