
Faith and religion are some of the few topics that are considered taboo at work, along with politics. In general, we simply avoid talking about faith at work. In most, if not many instances, we also don’t see how faith can integrated with our work, or how it could impact it in any way. We tend to separate our faith with our careers, believing that they are two entirely different areas of our lives.


I used to do the same, until I realized that if my faith is an integral part of who I am, then it also impacts my career and the work I do. Whatever is part of your experience, mindset or worldview, does influence your career as well.

It took me a long time to find a way to accept and integrate my faith and career in a way that didn’t deny either. If you’re wondering how you can also do it for yourself, here are 5 lessons I learnt:


  1. Acknowledge where you stand

One of the most important aspects of integrating your faith and your work is to acknowledge where you stand. Being realistic about where you’re at in terms of your personal and professional growth, as well as in your career, will help you assess the best ways to integrate your faith and work.



  1. Use your faith as motivation to excel

My faith has always been behind my motivation to genuinely and authentically succeed. It’s also been the substance of my hope and resilience, even as I faced professional obstacles and roadblocks. Having faith allowed me to believe in a higher purpose for my existence, which in turn translated into doing the best work I could in whatever capacity I was in.


  1. It’s less about religion than about how you do your work and live your life

When we talk about faith and work, many people often think that it’s about religious expression, which can be perceived negatively in the workplace. However, I’ve found that it’s more about how you choose to live your life than about your actual beliefs. Your ethical values, as well as the way you treat your work and the people around you, say more about what you believe in than any religious symbol would.


  1. Preserve your authenticity

In my instances, I’ve found myself considering whether I should wear a mask at work when it came to my faith. However, I realized that what we believe in is nothing we can really, or should, hide. Part of being authentic, in and outside of the workplace, is preserving who we truly are by not denying our beliefs. This doesn’t equate imposing our beliefs on others. However, it also doesn’t require being inauthentic in that aspect.


  1. Take advantage of what your organization offers

Many organizations and businesses offer places of worship catering to various faiths and beliefs, which is a wonderful sign of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. I have taken advantage of these, and have found that it’s brought a certain level of peace and serenity in my day. It’s ok to integrate your work and your faith in this way as well, and honoring your organization’s efforts and commitment to the diversity of their employees.



All in all, integrating your faith and work is not as complex as it may seem. It can actually help you bring more motivation, peace and serenity in your work, while keeping your authenticity intact.



Now your turn: How do you integrate your faith and work?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sister.