
As corporate sisters, we work hard for our money! After all, as much as we love our careers, we also need to pay the bills! So how interesting that the very place where we’re supposed to make our money, is also the one where we end up spending quite a nice chunk of it…
Coffee breaks, quick lunch hour shopping trips, online shopping escapades, vending machines…many are the daily distractions that transfer our hard-earned cash from our paychecks to the corner store, neighboring retailer or the internet for that matter…

Pack Your Lunch…at least half the week! It may not be much fun, and you may really have no time to prep your food ahead of time. Yet when you start noticing how much shoe money you’re actually saving, you may just like this whole brown-bagging thing…

Give Yourself an Allowance! Yup, you read right, let’s reminisce about our younger selves and the good ol’ allowance system. However much you decide you need (or want) to spend everyday, every week, or every month, put it aside, allow yourself to blow it, and just stick to the plan…

Last but not least, learn to say NO! Many are the temptations to spend money at work, from the caffeine-addict co-worker who almost lives at Starbucks, to your girl on the 12th floor who needs an H&M fix every other day, you can run on financial empty by the middle of the month pretty fast…And sometimes, the most effective (and did I say, hardest) way of curbing all this crazy spending may just be to say NO…including to your fabulous, Starbucks-addicted, shoe-obsessed fabulous self…

Are you minding your cash at work?