

So it’s the end of the week-end, and before you know it, you’ll be back at…work! And frankly, you dread it! You dread everything about it, from putting up with annoying co-workers to tackling your next big project…And as hard-working, dedicated and ambitious as you may be, there are just those days when going to work sounds just dreadful…

Make sure you get enough Zzzz’s: nothing like a good night’s sleep to take your mind off that big presentation at work in the morning. The longer you overthink and dread your next day at work, the more anxious you tend to become. Whenever I have a big deadline looming near, a huge presentation on the horizon, or just a difficult day ahead, the only way I know to shut my mind is…to go to bed! So make it a practice to hit the sack early, get your zzz’s, and let time do its thing…

But rise early! The world really belongs to those who rise early, so get a step ahead! Rising early on the day of a major presentation or challenging day at work allows me enough time to look my best, and gather my spirits to feel my best! And you may even have some leftover time to jot down a few pointers, like “stop fidgeting” or “breathe”…

Last but not least, trick your mind! Fear, like confidence, are acquired. We are not born fearful. And while some people appear naturally confident, it’s a skill that can also be acquired. The trick is to trick our minds into believing that we can surmount challenges coming our way. So as you prepare to face a challenging day at work, trick your mind into thinking that you’ve already succeeded!

Dreading going to work?

The Corporate Sister