Welcome to our weekly career, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and fashion news roundup! Think of it as your online watercooler/work gossip station/coffee break spot for now…Want to add anything to our list? Email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!
- In royally good news this week, the Wall Street Journal reports that Prince Harry is engaged to Suits’ actress Meghan Markle, and we couldn’tbemore excited;
- The Glassdoor Blog lists 25 awesome companies hiring like crazy in December;
- Forbes Woman gives us a few pointers as to how turn Linked In connections into mentorship opportunities;
- Worried about spending the holidays with family? Ellevate Network advises how to survive the holidays and keep sane;
- Don’t have a college degree? Business Insider lists the best states to work;
- Slacking off at the end of the year? The Daily Muse actually suggests 12 ways that may be more productive than you think;
- Making Sense of Cents shares 8 ways to change your holiday spending and make this year more meaningful than ever;
- Ellevate Network shares the essentials to prepare for a job interview;
- Black Enterprise describes how Impostor Syndrome may be ruining your career;
- The Corporate Sister explains what it means to network like a girl;
- Into The Gloss shares the holiday beauty survival guide.